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Ms. O POV:

As she layed there in the hospital bed my mind began to race.

What if he did more than strangle her? Would he come back for them? Is she telling me everything?

I was knocked out my thoughts by everyone coming back in.

"Aw my baby fell alseep."


"Dani get the hell out my room."

"Alright let me stop playing, but for real T how you feeling?"

"Fine, just a little tired I-. Her phone rung.

Taraji's POV:

As I was talking to Danielle a strange number flashed across my phone, for some reason I decided to answer.

I knew it was him. Hello. "Ah your still alive, so now you see I mean business?" No, I don't. "Someone's there aren't they?"

Why? "Because you're talking like you can't talk. That's fine I'll just pay you a little visit to make sure you know I'm not playing games.

Bye bye." I hung up phone while struggling to hold my composure.

All eyes were on me. "Who was it T?" Tasia said.

Um it was nobody, it's kind of um hot in here can y'all get me some water?

"Of course."

Fantasia's POV:

Well that was weird. I don't what she's been hiding but I plan on getting to the bottom of it.

Hey Dani don't you think that was pretty weird back there?"

"Yeah, I also thought it was weird when she asked could her and Ms. O have the room."

I know right, I know one thing that old bitch better not be tryna take my woman.

"You crazy tasia, it's probably nothing like that."

"But it wasn't just nobody on that phone."

I know somethings up , and we have to get to the bottom of it.

"Woah woah woah woah, who said anything about we? If  T finds out that you're snooping around in her business she on that ass like white on rice."

"And Danielle Brooks don't want no parts!"

"She ain't boutta clock my tea!"

Dani... come on. We're sisters we're in this together. Plus it could be something she can't handle on her own.

You know when I asked her about what happened she got really defensive.

"Maybe she's still shaken up tasia don't overthink it."

Danielle I know Taraji, and she's not shaken up. She's hiding something.

On the way back to the room we heard whispering coming from Taraji's room.

I busted in the door to see her and Oprah talking, but the conversation was quickly cut off when I walked in.

Here's your water. What's all the chit chat about? Cause you're about to piss me off Taraji.

"What do you mean?"

Don't play dumb. Y'all were whispering before me and Dani came in.

"We were discussing business, is that a problem?"

Whatever. Just remember who you come home to.

"I never forget."

As I patted my hands against my shaking knee fuming with rage , this tall dark man appeared.

"What's up Taraji."

"Do I know you?"

"Yeah we used to go to school together."

How would he know she was in the hospital though...

"Sorry doesn't ring a bell, maybe you got the wrong person."

"Oh no I got the right person."

Taraji's POV:

Kendall's so stupid. Think with your head not your balls.

He's gonna blow his whole plan being stupid. He sent his goon in here while everyone was still in my room.

I picked up the phone and dialed him "smart move stupid." I said and hung right back up.

"Alright what the fuck is going on?" Tasia said getting up out her seat.

Tasia I need you to calm down and go with Oprah I'll explain everything later. Dani you stay with them too.

"No I'm not leaving you here Taraji what's going on!?"

Calm down baby everything's ok, just trust me ma. I love you always remember that.

"No why are you talking like that."

Tasia please. Just go with Ms. O. I am okay. I promise. Go home get some rest come back tomorrow.

As she left out the room sobbing, the tall dark man came closer to me.

Go ahead shoot me do whatever I don't care , just tell Kendall's bitch ass he's dumb as fuck.

Oh and tell him his "wife" I'm sorry EX FINACE. The niggas so delusional. Saw his lil skinny, boney toothpick.

He really has bad taste.

"Shut the fuck up. You think you tuff cause you laying up in this bed bitch, just know as soon and I mean as soon as you out we onnat ass get ready."

Whatever toothpick! Kiss this fat black plumped ass!

"Man hoe I'll see you in a street , see how tuff u is then." He said walking out.

I'm tuffer than them toothpicks you call bones!

~1 week later

Taraji's POV:

It's been exactly one week since I was realsed from the hospital, Me, Tasia, and Danielle had been staying with my mom.

I figured they'd be safer here and she had plenty of security.

Tasia had been mad at me since that night at the hospital.

Every time I'd try to talk to her she'd just brush past me.

She can't possibly blame me for trying to protect her.

I went down the hall to go talk my mom about it. Between her and God I knew one of them would fix it.

Hey momma. "Hey baby what's up?" It's about me and Tasia she's been mad ever since that night at the hospital.

I don't know what to do. "Well she has every right to be mad you haven't told her anything."

I know but ma I'm trying to protect her. "Protecting her is gonna cost you in the end. Tell her now."

But ma- "no buts if you want it to work out tell her."

Even about us? "Yes." Can we tell Dani too? "No that girl has a big mouth she'll blurt it out unknowingly."

LMFAO I blurted out quickly catching myself.

Ma, I am so sorry I forgot who I was talking t-

"Taraji Penda Henson, don't you ever in your 53 years of living say those words around your mother again, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

Yes ma'am I'm sorry.

Save it for Fantasia. Now go handle your business and get out my face. I should wash your mouth out with some soap.

Talking about some LMFAO.

Mama I said I'm sorry.


Ok , okay!

Only my mother could get that worked up about a curse word.
There😒. Happy now?😂😂🩷

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