~decisions pt.2

303 16 5

Taraji's POV:

"Taraji, it was real I love you still do."

Yeah ok.

"I know you're very upset right now and I understand you need some time."

Maybe some space too.

"No i'm not leaving you."

You just love hurting me don't you.

"No, I love loving you."

I can't tell.

"Let me show you."

Tasia don't fucking touch me, here you go taking advantage of the moment again.

"Taraji you act like I'm trying to rape you, just let me ease your mind, ok?"



She was coming on to me strong and I didn't know how much more I could take.

Fuck I'm wet just thinking about it.

"Well I guess I'll make myself comfortable.", she said crawling in my bed, snuggling up all comfortable.

"Ugh, it would sure be nice to be cuddling someone right now."

Mm, I replied.

"Maybe some hot chick at that strip club would be down for that, well see you later!"



What Fantasia, I told you until you prove that you love me I don't give a fuck what you do or say.

"So we're not together no more?"

I never said that. I just said you have a lot of proving to do.

"Well let me start now."

No tasia.

"Taraji I've been masturbating until my fingers have almost fell off, I can't cum and nothings working."

"If nothing else just let me grind on your leg while you talk me through it." She said with a smile.

No, that's good enough for you.

"Come on, you know you want this too. I see how wet you are. You are wearing sweats you know?"

Whatever my answer remains the same.

"Anything. I'll do anything to get your trust back."



Damn it Tasia why are so persistent about this?

"Because I love you and I've been acting a fool."

Hm, glad you know.


Please what?

"Let me get my self off on you."



Tasia say one more word to me and I'm gonna loose it!

"Well then fuck me and I'll shut up!"

"I just want my wife back."

Not your wife.

"Yeah, whatever ok. You know you are."

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