Love's a messy affair (Silver Candle)

Start from the beginning

"Love birds." he thought to himself. He continued walking, not really caring for which of them succumbed to such savage delights first with vomiting as he continued to trot. His tongue felt numb as he thought about the possibility. "Have a little faith.". Those words, slammed his skull like there couldn't be a tomorrow. Sure, he did enjoy spending time with....her. But, why now? Why would this have to happen now? Now he was growing sick from those thoughts, those feelings. Those cherished memories that seemed to sting at what he'd done on the last day of Invitational.

Sure, she'd forgiven him. Hell, she'd even voted for him to win. That was obvious at least. They'd made up for it, she'd laughed and he half hazardly chuckled. Yet, he found it only helped fan the flames. Both his inner one, and his inner ones. A spark, that he kept with himself since the first time they had become acquainted. When she had shown him, her. The inner flame.


Wind fluttered through the quiet halls as Candle burned another paper. her frustration was adamant, her flame fanning and thinning. Her mind raced with thoughts as she looked at the ash pile. "15....16....17..." she counted in her head, not really sure how many drawings she'd made.

No, not made. Failed. Every single one had unchecked proportions or too thin lines or even just lines in the wrong places. Pencil's snapping or tearing through the pages. Erasers just burning their stupid pinks and blues and reds into the paper, making a whole load of scrap on the pages and smudging any cohesive shapes. 

Candle looked at the image again: A photo she had taken with him, the day before the thirteenth challenge as they'd spied on Nickel and his friends. She'd had an amused look, keeping on hand pressed around her salt and prong fork. The other, held his camera.

And he....He was spluttering about what the other three out there would be planning. What they would do at the eliminations, once Cabby and Yin Yang were gone. He had one hand near her, almost touching as it rested in the grass while the other moved as he rambled. It took every ounce of her strength to not grab that hand. Or even, let out her amused laughter, lest they be heard.

The idea was strange and startling. How could she ever have fallen for him? The same guy who wanted to vote her out of the game just mere years ago? Who had seemed to hated her so long ago, turned into her greatest ally and partner in that stupid game till the end? Candle couldn't even rack sense of what she saw in him. He was foolish and arrogant, sometimes selfish and sometimes even lazy. she was. Trying and failing to draw something for him. She groaned, frustrated at her own apprehension and confusion. Maybe she should go talk with him. See how he was doing. After all, it was always pretty easy to mask her own true thoughts and feelings with him, despite how he could get her to let her true emotions shine.

As she put away what felt like the millionth pencil, she heard a knock at the door. Straightening herself, she threw the broken wood and burned paper scraps and ash into a nearby Bin and adorned herself a simple, half genuine smile. "Come in." she said, making sure to hide that framed photo of hers too.

Yin entered, smiling but eyes (and possibly mind) blank without thought. Clearly, that meant the two halves were probably discussing with each other in whatever went through that shared head of theirs. He blinked, both eyes their sparkling obsidian black as he put the note on the table.

"I was told to give you this." he said, before leaving faster than she could respond, almost stumbling over his other leg as the darker half came back with snickers. The door swung from the outdoor breezes and the sounds of squelching goo and several running footsteps were heard, yet Candle paid no heed to them as she read the note.

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