Mio Amore

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Mew's POV ~

It was such a lovely Italian morning! Oh my beautiful Rome! This winter morning is making me crazy. Just watching the soft sunrise and feeling the cool breeze on the riverside, I suddenly realised this is the best moment of my 33 years old life.

Oh Yes, I'm Mew Suppasit, 33 yo man, roaming in Rome from Thailand. That's it. Do you even need to know more about me ? Well, I'm a simple poet who often publishes his own book and makes the editors annoyed.

You can guess my demand as a poet !!

Haha let it be, not that I care. My family is rich enough. I've always enjoyed my life the way I wanted to.

The only thing I didn't like is the nagging of my parents for seeing me getting married. I'm already 33.

Seriously! How many times do I need to tell them that artists never get old , they are forever young!

I hated to sigh at this lovely morning but I did.

Suddenly a beautiful a beautiful melody hit my ears .

3rd person's POV ~

Mew got curious. He's a music lover. Of course he will not be back without knowing the source of the melody which is literally making his morning more pleasant than he thought!

He was following the source and it was getting more clear.

Soft blue sky, under a big green tea someone is playing a piano .
He can only see the back of that Man.

The beautiful melody was touching Mew's soul. He wanted to see the piano man badly.

Suddenly he got surprised when the man started playing a song which is very familiar to him.

Thai song !!!!!!

That piano man is from Thailand? Or he's just a fan of this Thai song ?

It's one of Mew's favourite, he closed his eyes . He was so drowned in the music that he didn't realise when started to sing the song loudly.

"I see you, each time I close my eyes~
I hear you, I hear the pain in your cries ~
In my dreams, we are alive ~
I'll savour our times till I wake up ~"

He stopped when he heard his own voice and opened his eyes.

A beautiful man is looking at him.

Yeah that's what first Mew thought.

"You sing very well. Your voice is too good ", the man smiled sweetly.

Damn ! He is as beautiful as the melody he creates!

What the hell are you doing Mew Suppasit??

Come on, it's nothing just admiring a beauty. Artists are worshipper of beauty!

Mew was embarrassed, by both his thoughts and acts.

"N-Not really. And s-sorry to interrupt you. Please continue ", Mew said shyly.

"It's totally fine! I'm glad to see you. You must be Thai too right? I'm also from Thailand. My name is Gulf and you ?", he blinked cutely.

Aww! His big doe eyes are very cute .


"Whoaa nice to meet you Mio", Gulf gave a sweet gesture.

Mew cleared his throat,"It's Mew".

Blissful 4 minutes 💕Where stories live. Discover now