whats so funny lanky legs

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                            —mikey ways pov—


i was more then happy that gerard had allowed me and pete to be friends , friends. i sighed at the label , i mean id like to be more than friends with him and well from his reaction 'id do anything for mikey' , i was sure he wanted me like that aswell but gerards my brother , and i love him so if gerard says no then i guess i have to push back my wants , for now that is. im sure gerard will eventually warm up to pete and accept that hes changed as a person , i mean i feel so bad for patrick but if pete says he changed and promised not to do it to me then i guess i believe him .

me and gerard had a good day out after pete left us our conversation went right back to a new album idea , something about a parade ? im not to sure i cant remember .

anyway i put on my hoody and was about to leave for a walk when i was stopped by frank "hey mikey can i ask you something ?" frank asked me in a hopefull tone "yeh , whats up ?" i replied back copying his bright tone he suddenly got nervous and looked down as he began to play with his hands "so about gerard.. uhm do you know him ? like gerard way , you know haha.." he trailed off , i was a bit confused , why was he asking if i knew my own brother ? "yeh.. gerard , my brother , what about him ?" i spoke in a confused but intregued tone "i like him in a gay way and i wanna know if he likes me back" he belted out , it all sounded like one big long word so it took me a bit to process what he'd just said , once i realised what he'd said a big smile bloomed across my face "oh my god dude you like my brother !" i said in a shouty yet hushed whisper as to not intrigue the intrest of the other three guys in the next room "mikey ! shush ! , but yeh.." he said still playing with his fingers , "he likes you back man i promise , i can tell by the way he looks at you" i said to him as he looked up at me in almost disbelief , id assume he was expecting me to get mad or something like gerard does when it's me and a potential relationship , gerards just over protective , but im not .

thrank fanked me and told me to not be out to late , he was also protective but not as bad as gerard , although frank was younger than me so really i should be the protective one but oh well

i set off for my walk and put in my head phones and began to play music , i played music from three cheers for sweet revenge , i only wanted to listen to our album whilst on this tour , last year i really stressed myself out thinking i was going to play basslines from some other band's songs , it never happened of course but i would prefer to not have that stress again i was happily walking down the street with my headphones connected humming along to the tune of 'give 'em hell kid' as one specific guy ran up behind me "mikeyyy !!" pete shouted as he embraced me in a hug from behind "pete !" i ghasped and smiled at him , i unplugged my headphones and turned around so i could hug him back "mikess i missed you" he said looking up at me as he still kept his arms around me and i laughed slightly at the height difference "whats so funny lanky legs ?" he said raising his brows at me "the height difference , shorty" i winked at him as he leaned up to kiss me , i kissed back enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine, i would NOT be telling gee about this , god i want him so badly (not in a sexual way.)

he pulled away and put his head on my chest and still kept me held tightly , "mikes , will you go on a date with me ?" he asked me in a hopeful tone , "yes yes yes ! i- dont tell gee about this though , pleaseee" i said as i pulled a puppy dog face at him "of course i wont" he laughed as he smiled up at me "come on" he pulled from the hug and he held my hand and he started running we , i followed running aswell with literally no clue where we're going he took me to a water park and we just had fun all day till night time and then after that he took me to a bridge and we watched as the sun went down holding hands yet again "its all orange and pink above us" he said as he kissed my cheek "it's almost as beautiful as you , totally back inlove." he continued , i blushed madly at this as i pulled him close and kissed him.

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