"You must be the new owner?" She asked and I nodded. "I'm Daphne, Hyun bin's sister-in-law. I live next door."

I took her hand as she offered a handshake. She looked like  in her fifties. I was told a mother and daughter live here. She must be the mother.  

When I took another step towards the house, I felt something beneath my shoes. It pierced the sole of my shoe, at the edge and reached the flesh of my foot, causing a pinch of burn and pain.

I took my step back and saw a small earring with a blue stone on the top. Taking a better look at that piece into my hand, a dry scoff left from my mouth. A welcome gift!

Keeping that earring into the pocket of my jeans I heard what Mrs Choi was telling me about the garden in the backyard. She was a nonstop chatterbox and I made a mental note that this was the first and last time I was going to talk to her. 



I groaned again as all the alcohol from last night had been creating its massive explosion into my stomach. My hangover was killing me as I was still on my bed. Thankfully it was Sunday and I didn't have any college today.

I would have died if I had to go out of the house with this hangover. 

I laid back again and snuggled my teddy bear close to my chest. 

Getting another nap won't hurt me, it's Sunday after all. 

I heard the low purring of the engine and all of a sudden the noise started creating holes in my head. Who the fuck is using lawnmower now? 

I knew it was a lawnmower, my dad used to mow the grass of the back yard lawn all the time. And I hadn't heard its sound ever since dad's death. 

I kicked back my blanket as this irritating sound just fucked up my mini nap. Getting off from my bed, I walked straight to the door that opens to the back yard porch from my bedroom. 

My barefoot created a creaking sound over the wooden porch as I stood in my satin night shorts and tank top. I saw a view that lowered my irritation a bit. 

There was a man, a man not wearing anything on the top. Just in a grey sweatpant lying low under his waist. 

He was mowing the lawn shirtless, ears covered with headphones and his broader than broad back was facing me. 

I bent down and rested my hands on the ledge waiting for him to turn around. He looked well built in shape with a perfect V-shaped back.

To be honest, I had the best morning view in my life just now. I was enjoying it and I saw the door of the kitchen of the next house was open as well. He must be the new neighbour. It was good that he was handsome and I wish he mowed the grass on a daily basis. 

He reached till the wall of the boundary that enclosed the unique arrangements of these two houses side by side. When my dad and uncle wanted to stay close they decided to buy this property, two houses on one big plot.

That man was about to turn and my eyes landed on his right hand and I straightened up immediately. 

Wait a damn minute. 

He looked to his right and I got to see his face a bit and I screamed, but covered my mouth instantly. My eyes widened in panic as I saw him turning around as if he heard my scream. 

And he nearly did see me, I took my hairs and moved them over my face when he turned back and before he could see me completely I ran inside my bedroom. 

Closing the shades of my window, I felt my knees getting jelly and just the next second I dropped on the floor of my room. 

"What the hell Mr. Jeon is doing in my garden? No no no he can't be…" 

I shook my head in disbelief and crawled back to my window. Raising my head a little and sliding the curtains a little side, I saw him again. He was standing right in front of my window and was looking in my direction. 

He's actually here. 

I laid back on the floor, laughing at this. 

If anyone could have heard me cracking up, they would think I was ready to depart to a mental asylum. I mean they would be partly right. Because I would definitely become insane. 

My new biology professor is my neighbour next door. 

A/n: goals: 2

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A/n: goals: 2.5k reads and 600 votes.
If goals get completed, next update will be on Sunday.

Dear, Professor Jeon | jjk (18+)Where stories live. Discover now