Special Chapter

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This chapter and the previous one were scheduled to be released 4 hours ago. I don't know why they didn't get published. Make sure to vote and comment. Thx.

I remembered it... I remembered her. She, the one who was unfortunate from birth, was the one who was destined to be with me— My destined one. She was the champion of humans, a hero, unquestionably one of the strongest of her race, and I was the little monster without any common sense.

I was a free-spirited person, but she was a serious and confident hero. She despises this world, whilst I adore it. She was the vassal of fire, and my body was made out of water.

We were so different and yet so similar.

Our situation was so different, and our goals were different.

Yet the path was strangely the same...

Traveling alone without any companion, I had never seen her in a crowd. She used to live alone. Always worrying about Ifrit going out of control and hurting others.

I never saw her indulge in useless things, meeting everyone with a smile while crying alone on lonely nights.

Never shy away from dangers, and with a sweet smile on her face, she lived her entire life without complaining about the curse inside her.

She used to hate this world more than anyone, but she never leaves anyone who is in trouble, never refuses to assist and help, and never expects anything in return.

She never denied someone's plea for help.

A little shy, a little awkward around new people, avoiding them as much as possible.

A person whose life was filled with adventure and thrill.

She had a soul so pure that even demons were shocked.

She was kind, passionate, and soft-hearted. Always worrying about others and forgetting herself, never caring about her health.

It was always about others and never about herself. Such was the person hailed as 'Conqueror of Flames'. Such was the person known as the hero, Shizu.

Since she always thinks about others, I decided to think about her.

She was always worried about others, so I will worry about her.

She was always about others and never about herself, so I decided to be solely about her.

"Shizue, you always worry about others, think about others, and care about others, but never about yourself. You are full of others, so I decided to be full of you. I will always help you, think about you, worry about you, and be there for you."

So, I told her my resolve, my motive, and my new goal.

"I will always be about you..."

The words that were unconsciously uttered by me on the spur of the moment. The words that I thought I would not be able to utter in front of her.

"So please, even if only for this moment, forget about others and only think about me."

That's my only wish. Form the bottom of my heart with all my honesty and sincerity. I told her that I was hiding, something that was buried deep within me.

I want her to only think of me. Such were my thoughts. It was more like a confession. My feelings lay bare in front of her. Never in my life have I felt this venerable and weak. It was nerve-racking.

But now... I can't stop. It was far too late to stop.

If I give up now, I'll never have the chance to tell her how I feel later on.

"Shizue, I think I love you."

With a nervous and a little shy voice, I confessed my truest feelings to her and quietly waited for her reply.

I'm glad that I'm a slime and not human, if I were human. I'm sure my heart would have come out of my chest.

But the fact that I'm slime didn't help with the nervousness. I can feel my breath, which has stuck in my throat for a while now.

"I... I don't understand my feelings let alone yours... You are so far... out of my reach... I don't have a proper answer. I'm sorry."

Her voice was cracked, a little embarrassed, a little shy. She was all but confused.

No, it seems like it was me who was a little hasty in confessing my feelings.

I'm hiding things from her—far too much. 

I'm like an open book that she can feel and see but can't read or understand. If I put myself in her position...

She is a pure soul, a lonely one who has lost even the reason or motive to live a long time ago. Only a promise(a person) keeps her alive. A venerable person... She is like a cute and shy black cat. Who has been hurt by some humans.

She didn't understand my feelings.

It was all but an excuse, and I understood it. She was not without feelings—the feelings for me that she was trying to hide—even though they are only a few, but still, since she has feelings for me, I can continue chasing her like a shameless person...right? No, I don't care! I will persist like a shameless person.

She said I'm so far, out of her reach, then I will become someone who will be beneath her. The one who will be the closest aid to her.

The person who she can order around.

This is only so that she won't feel me as someone who is out of her reach. I want her to realize that I'm just a thought away from her.

Only one thought of her is enough to reach me.

"Ok, then, I have decided."

"Huh? Decided, decided what?"

She looked confused, but I felt relieved by her reaction.

...did my existence change anything about her? Her personality? Her determination?

...It seems like I do have some influence on her.

For the time being, this is enough for me. 

"I have decided to serve you. I will serve you for thirteen years as your butler and your servant. Since you think I'm so far away from you, now you don't have to think about it. I will always be close to you."

I said and didn't wait for her reply. She will say 'no' and it is not something I'm willing to accept at this point. This is my last chance, my last shot.

"I will not accept no as an answer. Thank you. Please do take care of me."

I replied hurriedly and changed my outfit into a butler suit like Diablo. I kneel in front of her with a serious expression. I'm determined, and I want to acknowledge this fact.

"Sigh ...Do as you please."

After seeing my determined expression, she finally agreed to my absurd request. This is nothing less than a miracle for me.
Now I'm sure. She does have some feelings for me, but they are not strong enough to be called love.

She likes me, didn't she?

Like and love. Words with similar meaning yet one is ocean and other is pond.  

But I'm sure. I will make her...

《My name is Ciel, the partner and subject of Rimuru-Sama. It's nice to meet you. I will be working as your maid as long as Rimuru-Sama works as your butler. 》

Now this is the real miracle, to be honest. I don't even have words to describe my feelings. Well, that's aside. Let me sign a contract with Shizue so that she won't back on her words.

To be continued ...

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