Part 1

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Brynn had learned she had inherited a Castle, that is run currently also a B&B. It was the off season so closed for bookings but had a permanent group of 5 live in staff. She had a brief outline of how it had been passed through the family line and was well visited, making enough money to manage the upkeep along with the paying of staffs wages.

Brynn had learned from her Uncle that is was also haunted by a friendly ghost, a distant relative from his side of the family; through marriage from the 1700s. The ghost - a Scottish Laird; had lived and died there. Through some Fae magic he was able to remain until he found a love that could bring him into the future, to live and love again. Brynn finds in her uncles will, that he left it to her, knowing she would love the peace and solitude for her writing, as well as benefit from the business. She does some research, things start happening - good and fun things. :)

Settling In:

Brynn woke to the noise of the birds outside her balcony window. It had been her first night in the castle after arriving and re reading her uncles Will. He had left her the castle knowing she would relish the peace and solitude it would give her for her writing and time out from city life that was dragging her down. She had been a regular visitor during her uncles illness but had no idea he would leave this to her.

Brynn knew the castle was supposedly haunted but had never seen nor heard the ghost. Though at times she had felt she was being watched but not in a threatening way, more curiosity. Her uncle had told her there was a resident ghost, a distant relative from his family. Her aunt had died years ago, and he had stayed there enjoying his own peace along with a loyal group of 5 staff.

She wasn't sure what to do now that she had moved in. One thing she knew she had to do was explore. Previous visits had not given her enough time to do so given she had spent most of that precious time with her Uncle and the staff.

Brynn knew she had to read the rest of the documents her uncles lawyer had given her. They would explain more of her sudden inheritance and income that the B&B side of the castle earned. Brynn knew they also gave tours to certain parts, where others were closed off for her and staff only. So she would still have her privacy while others took care of the business side. Brynn was undecided if she liked that but felt she had to at least give it a go and see just how it all worked. Right now though, it was closed for the off season, Autumn and Winter it was closed to the public, so everyone enjoyed the peace and had time to visit with their own families, leaving 2-3 staff on hand if any chose to take a holiday.

All had agreed to stay around for the off season to help her settle in. Brynn had felt their concern at her moving in after losing her favourite uncle, but would make it as happy a time as they could for her. She did appreciate their love and had grown fond off all over time, as they had of her. There were other staff who worked weekdays during Spring and Summer, that she had met, but would not be around now.

Getting up finally she headed for the en-suite to enjoy a lovely hot shower, sighing in the heat, washing her hair then body. After a rinse she was out, drying in the lovely huge bath sheets, then dried her hair before finally dressing. She was thankful the castle was well heated and had generators when it snowed heavily or power was cut. She loved that the rooms also had fires to enjoy, and well stocked with wood. The central heating worked well also, but if she could manage with fire, she'd do so.

The lawyer had said the castle made money and the costs for upkeep were fairly minimal thanks to her uncles careful investing. She had been shocked at just how wise he had been and understood now why he had felt she would find peace there and stay permanently. Brynn had been speechless at the time and it was the lawyers chuckle that brought her back to reality as she questioned the facts. He stated quite clearly she was effectively set up for life and he had put a clause in to allow the castle to pass through her family, as in any children.

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