Chapter 12 - Summertime Sadness

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It had been an exciting week for the teenagers of Orchard falls. The town had announced a summer dance, which was basically just another prom, that was arriving within the next few days now. Everybody had done the usual for these types of events, ordering clothes online, thrifting for a chance of finding some neat stuff, going to boutiques, or just going to hang out with your vampire best friend! Because, well, you had already bought the perfect summer dress about 7 months ago during winter, for some reason at all.

Jessica was a little jealous of all the other guys, as they got to get away with simply wearing black tuxedos with a bow tie for the millionth time now. But, she'd also look gorgeous, so she didn't care too much. “Are you sure you don't want to wear at least like a colorful tie?” Jessica asked, walking down the sidewalk with Heron. He was just going to wear a normal tuxedo, that was about it, and Jessica found that boring. “Yeah, It's not like I'll be doing anything other than eating food, anyway!” He laughed, saying that as he rummaged through a bag of chips. “I wouldn't wanna ruin a perfectly good suit, vampires like suits! That's why you see us wearing them all the time,”

Jessica playfully rolled her eyes, accepting that answer as fine enough. Although It was still pretty fucking boring of him. They continued down the sidewalk, enjoying the mediocre day. It was nice and warm, though clouds littered the sky. Blocking the infernal sun from melting everything again. They reached a bus stop, before Heron noticed something on the sidewalk. Friends! Or at least, two friends, and one person that occasionally hangs out with them. Lauren, Ripley, and Vincent were all sat down at the edge of the sidewalk.

Heron, the little shit he is, decided to give them all a little spook! Almost getting sucker punched in the face by Vincent, though he dodged. Because he's a vampire? No, just because he gets punched really often. Pet cats are rude. “How many times have you done that now?” Lauren asked, seeming a little off today. More off than usual, at least. He's quite a mess. “I dunno, like, 50 times or so? Still doesn't get any older, though!” Heron snickered, looking down at the three. Jessica walked over, curious to know something.

“What are you all doing here?” She asked, most interested as to why Vincent is around. “Oh, Lauren's all depressed, so I was trying to see if I could make him feel better!” Ripley spoke up, smiling. Truthfully, neither of them actually knew why Vincent was there, he just came and sat next to them, and they didn't want to say anything. “Vincent's kinda just been here, I'm not entirely sure why,” Ripley said, nobody expected her to actually point it out. But it also wasn't that surprising. Jessica frowned, turning to Lauren. “Is everything alright??”

Being concerned about Lauren was perfectly natural at this stage, even after his early life crisis. “Yeah, I guess, but I had a fight with my parents,” Lauren groaned, distressed by what had happened. Thankfully, though, he had his friends here to validate his feelings and comfort him. “It wasn't that bad,” Never mind, Vincent was also there, and he was not a friend. He seemed less douchey than normal, however, so maybe he had a point in a way. “They got upset when he didn't do his daily self exorcism, and he wouldn't give in, so.”

Surprisingly, Vincent wasn't being a dick, technically speaking that really isn't too bad. But Lauren was still hurt by it, so Jessica figured they could still cheer him up. “Well, severity or not, fighting is never fun!” She said, looking at all the different shops nearby. “Have you guys got your outfits all ready for the summer dance?” Jessica asked. Ripley happily nodded, but Lauren shook his head.

“No, I was going to do that with my parents… but I don't really want to do that with them anymore,” Lauren grimaced, blinking a little as Jessica helped him off the sidewalk. “We'll help you find one, then! I'm sure you'll be able to have more diverse choices, too,” Ripley hopped up, seeming excited per usual. “I love finding clothes for people, it's almost than easier finding clothes for myself!” Ripley said. “Seriously, with my complexion it is a BITCH finding stuff that looks good on me,”

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