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Chapter: 85

"What's with that expression?" Dirk inquired curiously.

Noira laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, we're just excited! We really cannot wait to meet our baby!" she said, wrapping her arms around Dirk in a tight hug.

"Your baby?" Dirk asked, his brows furrowed, and then he burst out laughing. "Well, your 'Baby' isn't due for another three months," he chuckled, squeezing Noira's hand, and kissing her on the head.

She beamed at him, pulled away from their embrace, and went over to Layla, who was smiling as brightly as Noira. "We are going to be aunties... dear Goddess, this is so exciting!" she squealed, and Noira giggled, nodding her head.

Dirk shook his head and left them there to go get dressed. The Omegas noticed and immediately rushed over to him. "Hey, where are you going?" Layla asked, pulling him back.

"To get properly dressed... in case you haven't noticed, I'm still in my underwear, and you two need to get out!" He retorted with a grin.

Layla let go of him with an eye roll but didn't move away. "Well, in case you haven't noticed as well, we came in here bearing in our hands the ceremonial attire for your Bonding!" She finished, pointing to the sofas.

Dirk's gaze followed her little fingers until they rested on the white garments and the many pieces of jewelry beside them, along with the various rings for each finger. His eyebrows shot up in surprise before returning to their normal position, and his eyes met theirs. A soft smile graced his lips.

"Well, what are you waiting for..." Noira asked while shoving him toward the clothes. "Go get ready!" Her excitement was clear even through the veil of giggles she tried to mask.

"Isn't it still early to get ready?" Dirk asked but continued to approach the sofas.

Shaking her head negatively, Noira replied, "You clearly have no idea how many ceremonies there are before the main event, do you?"

Dirk shook his head and muttered, "No," then sat down and pulled the silk garment from the sofa. It was soft to the touch and looked very light, almost like a cloud, unlike anything else he had ever worn before. He lifted the garment, examining it, turning it slowly between his palms and admiring the delicate details carved into its length. A thin golden chain was tied to one end, and the other end was secured by what looked like an intricate golden clasp set into a black velvet pouch. The outfit consisted of four layers made of gold fabric that seemed to stretch across the whole piece. All in all, the outfit felt incredibly comfortable and warm.

"Come on!" Layla exclaimed, taking the garment from his hands. "Time to get ready... Birth Omega and Luna Caleb will be waiting for us to come down for breakfast soon, and you, my brother, are expected to be well-fitted!" she finished, handing him the garment.

"Alright, alright," Dirk said, getting up reluctantly from the sofa.

"Once you're dressed in that, come on out so we can fit the jewels on you. It's a lot harder than pulling the garment on, trust me!" Noira told him, leading him toward the changing room. "And remember to fasten the chain inside the garment; it's what gives it the perfect fit!" She added once he was inside, closing the door behind her with a click.


After dressing himself, he was ushered back to the living room by the Omegas, who then proceeded to adorn him with jewels of many sorts, from simple rings to necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and waist chains. They made sure every inch of skin they could get their hands on had precious gems adorned upon it, and they all found themselves smiling happily with joy at Dirk's appearance. When they finally got the last jewel fitted onto him, he couldn't help but feel utterly gorgeous.

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