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Chapter: 83

The Lion's heart pounded in fear and uncertainty as he braced himself for whatever torment Malta had in store. Despite his rising panic, he remained silent, knowing that words would not deter his captor's cruel intentions. Trapped in Malta's Hell, he struggled to comprehend the man's relentless desire to see him suffer. They had no prior conflicts or dealings, leaving Dirk bewildered by the intensity of Malta's vendetta against him. Feeling powerless and devoid of his primal strength, he attempted to tap into his Lion's essence but found himself met with silence, a sense of abandonment that only fueled his fear.

What has Malta done?

As thoughts of his Lion swirled in his mind, Dirk battled against the rising panic, desperate to ascertain his Half's safety and well-being. The uncertainty gnawed at him, but he refused to show weakness in front of his tormentor, determined to maintain a facade of strength and resilience. With his captivity undeniable, Dirk's focus shifted to understanding Malta's motives and unraveling the enigma surrounding his own predicament.

Malta chuckled upon hearing Dirk's thoughts. "So worried about your precious Half; you should be grateful you get to live!" Malta cackled and moved away from Dirk. "Let's start with those ropes," he said. Without laying a finger on him, the ropes began to tighten.

Malta's twisted amusement at Dirk's concerns only added to the vampire's dread, his cruel laughter echoing through the desolate hall. As Malta's sadistic game unfolded, Dirk braced himself for the agony that followed. The ropes tightened around him with a vicious force, eliciting cries of pain and desperation. The excruciating pressure dug into his flesh, drawing blood and causing searing pain that reverberated through his body. Despite his efforts to endure the torment, Dirk's anguish grew unbearable. His pleas for mercy were drowned out by the relentless grip of the restraints.

Slowly, the ropes began to loosen, and finally, he felt he could breathe again. But then they began to tighten, and this time it was worse than before. His cries rang throughout the hall, the windows vibrating from his pained shouts of agony. Blood seeped from his wounds, and he cried out as loudly as he could muster. Attempting to plea for mercy, his voice seemed to fail him, and he coughed dryly as he struggled against the restraints. Like double-edged swords, the ropes cut into his skin, leaving deep wounds and dark red stains spreading all over them. His screams intensified, becoming harder to bear. As he began to lose consciousness, the ropes began to loosen once again.

The cycle of agony and release continued, each wave of pain pushing Dirk to the brink of consciousness as he struggled against the relentless torture. His cries echoed through the hall, a symphony of suffering that seemed to fall on deaf ears. Through tear-streaked eyes, he gazed into Malta's cold gaze, pleading for an explanation, a shred of humanity in the man's twisted intentions.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" Dirk's voice cracked with desperation, tears streaming down his face as he struggled against the ropes cutting into his skin. "Please, have mercy!"

Malta's sneer only deepened at Dirk's plea, his eyes glinting with malice. "I must gain my father's respect and claim back what is rightfully mine," he hissed, relishing in Dirk's suffering. "But not only will I torture you, I will make sure that this time I kill you in front of your mates."

As the darkness threatened to consume him, Dirk's heart sank, the weight of Malta's words crushing his spirit. The sinister promise of a brutal end while his mates' watched, though he didn't see that ever happening still brought fear. Malta's threat hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow of dread over the Lion's heart as he braced himself for the harrowing ordeal that lay ahead.

"They will rip you apart from where you stand, I dare you to challenge them... in case you may not have noticed, I have their mark and they have mine. They will find me and when they do, you shall pay for all you ever did to me!" Dirk managed with gritted teeth, but a yowl soon roared from his mouth when Malta began to pour liquid content onto his body, making sure they soaked into the cuts inflicted by the ropes. The liquid burned, like fire melting into his bones. If he thought he was weak before, now he felt completely helpless, his whole body shivering uncontrollably in response. In that moment, he wished he had died rather than allowing himself to be captured yet again; he could not even recall how he was captured.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang