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Chapter: 81

As the final blows landed, a haunting stillness settled over the room, broken only by the labored breaths of the combatants. The once pristine warehouse now bore witness to a scene of utter carnage, blood staining the cold concrete floor, the metallic tang of it hanging heavily in the air.

Seth stood tall over Malta's lifeless form, the vampire defeated at his feet. His fur was a dark crimson, but his eyes blazed with a fierce resolve that spoke of the justice he had meted out. Kurt, his claws dripping with Erik's blood, surveyed the aftermath of his own battle, a somber expression on his face as he took in the sight of his fallen adversary.

Tricc, blood dripping from his jaws, faced the motionless figure of Victoria, her once formidable presence now reduced to nothing. A mix of triumph and sorrow flickered in his gaze as he regarded the vampire who had dared to challenge them.

With a mournful howl that pierced the silence, blue flames engulfed the bodies, consuming them until nothing remained. Convinced that there was no hope of saving their foes, the Lycgers turned their attention to their Mate, still weakened from the ordeal. With gentle hands, they freed him from his restraints, offering words of reassurance and solace as they worked. Each touch held a promise of protection and devotion.

Seth, Kurt, and Tricc helped Dirk to his feet, Tricc cradling him in his arms with tender care as they carried him out of the dimly lit warehouse and into the crisp evening air. The battle had taken its toll, lasting longer than anticipated. The setting sun bathed them in a golden light, a serene contrast to the turmoil that had unfolded moments earlier.

"Bring it down," Seth ordered Tricc, who pointed a finger toward the building. In an instant, flames erupted from all sides, engulfing the warehouse as if it were doused in gasoline. An immense explosion tore through the structure, shattering windows and sending debris flying in a deafening blast. The inferno devoured all traces of the violence that had transpired, leaving behind a smoldering ruin in its wake.

Two black cars lay in wait for them, and as they approached the waiting vehicles, Tricc signaled to Rafe and Bogo, who held the car doors open for them. It appeared as though they had just arrived. Kurt and Tricc carefully settled Dirk in the backseat, ensuring his comfort before taking their places beside him. Seth, with a mix of relief and concern in his eyes, slid into the driver's seat. The engine growled to life, and Rafe and Bogo followed closely behind in the second car as they set off on their journey to St. Mont.

The drive was filled with a heavy silence, punctuated only by Dirk's soft breathing and the steady hum of the engine. Each Lycger was lost in their own thoughts, the weight of recent events pressing heavily on their hearts, along with the nagging question that lingered in their minds.

How had he been taken?


Upon arriving at the Hospital, Dr. Naam greeted them with a mix of relief and concern, hurrying to meet them. The Lycgers carefully carried Dirk inside, laying him on a comfortable cot as Dr. Naam began her examination.

With practiced hands and a gentle touch, she assessed Dirk's injuries, her expression focused and serious. The Lycgers watched anxiously, their hearts pounding as they awaited her evaluation.

After what felt like an eternity, Dr. Naam turned to them with a small smile. "He will recover," she said softly but with certainty. "He's resilient, and with a few stitches and proper care, he will be back on his feet in no time."

Relief flooded through the Lycgers, the tension leaving their bodies as Dirk's prognosis brought hope. Their Mate would be alright, and they vowed to stand by him through his healing process, offering strength and support.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must attend to my patient." Dr. Naam ushered them out of the room, and the Lycgers found their spots in the waiting area, where Rafe and Bogo were already sitting and waiting.

If the situation was any different, Tricc would be making remarks on how close the two had become but now was not the time for silly jokes. Not until Naam came out of that room and assured them yet again that their mate would recover and to confirm the news they had heard this morning from their Birth Omega.

After Dr. Naam ensured Dirk was resting comfortably, she requested to speak with the Lycgers in her office. The Alphas followed her, their expressions a mix of anticipation and concern as they settled into the chairs arranged in a circle.

Taking a deep breath, Dr. Naam met each Alpha's gaze before beginning, her voice gentle but filled with gravity. "I have news to share with you," she started. "Dirk will recover, but there is something else you should know."

The Lycgers exchanged glances, their hearts racing as they awaited her next words. Dr. Naam paused for a moment before revealing, her eyes softening with a hint of a smile, "Dirk is pregnant."

Silence filled the room as the weight of her words settled in. The Alphas' eyes widened with a mix of disbelief and joy, their hearts swelling with happiness. The knowledge that their unborn child and Dirk were safe and healthy filled them with relief and gratitude.

Seth was the first to react, his voice filled with wonder and excitement. "Pregnant?" he echoed, his tone laced with joy. "Our Mate is carrying our child?"

Kurt's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he looked at Dr. Naam, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, Doctor," he managed to say, his gratitude evident in every word. "This news is a true blessing."

Tricc, usually playful, was struck by a sense of reverence and awe. "Our family is expanding," he whispered in wonder. "We will protect them both with all that we are."

Dr. Naam nodded, her eyes warm with reassurance. "Dirk and your unborn child are both healthy and strong," she confirmed, her confidence evident. "You have every reason to be filled with joy."

As the reality of their impending parenthood sank in, the Lycgers shared a moment of unity and happiness, their bond deepening in the face of this new chapter in their lives.

"However, you need to understand," Dr. Naam began, the smiles on the Alphas' faces faltering. "If Dirk successfully carries this child to full term and gives birth, it is unlikely that he will be able to bear another. His body has been under significant strain as a Pride member, and it may be challenging for him to have more than one child." Her tone was grave, leaving no room for doubt.

A heavy silence settled over the group, the weight of this new information hanging in the air. "We do not mind how many children we have," Tricc stated firmly, determination in his voice. "As long as his well-being and that of the child he is carrying is not compromised, we are content."

Seth nodded in agreement, his resolve firm. "I agree with my brother," he affirmed. "I would rather have no children at all than risk his health."

"I understand your concerns," Dr. Naam acknowledged, her expression empathetic. "Rest assured, Dirk can safely carry and deliver this child through surgery, but he may not be able to bear more children. His health will not be at risk once he has had this child."

The Alphas reiterated their commitment to Dirk's safety above all else, their unity strong. "His health and well-being are our utmost priority, nothing else matters... not even children," they assured her.

"I appreciate your dedication to his care," Dr. Naam responded, her gaze softening as she glanced at Dirk's chart. "He should regain consciousness in about an hour. You may go in to see him, but perhaps a shower at home would be a good idea first. You three reek!" she added with a twinkle in her eyes.

With a shared laugh, the Lycgers left the hospital, eager to return home and wash away the scent of blood, their bond stronger than ever in the face of the challenges ahead.

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now