Chapter- 2

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Chapter- 2 

Miss Mithra and her cold-hearted boss

Mithra clutched the file to her chest as she paused outside Mr. Varun's cabin. Her thoughts were in turmoil, the day's events blurring together, yet now she faced the daunting task of presenting the ongoing projects to her new boss. 'Could Rhea truly despise me so?' she mused, as she politely knocked on the door and waited for his response.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Krishna," Mithra began tentatively, avoiding his gaze as she stepped into the cabin with his assent. "I am here to discuss the current projects. We have four in progress and are poised to initiate two additional ones this month." She halted, seeking some sign of engagement, but he remained silent.

Her heart skipped a beat as she found him staring at her. His face was void of any emotions; his eyes emitted the same cold aura. Suddenly, words failed Mithra as she gulped. 'I haven't done anything wrong, right?' Mr. Krishna did nothing from the time she entered; not even a muscle in his face moved, but Mithra felt cornered. It did feel like being under the trance of a vampire, and finally, she could relate to all the rumors about him.

'Would it kill him to offer a smile or a word?' she thought, shuddering as he finally stirred, accepting the files from her grasp.

"So, you're Mithra, the newly appointed secretary?" His voice, gravelly and low, sent a tremor through her. She nodded in response. "You no longer oversee the projects. Let the Project Manager handle the briefings," he instructed, discarding the file onto the desk with indifference.

"Now, tell me about yourself. Rhea has spoken highly of you, and I'm intrigued by your reputed extraordinary abilities," he remarked. A smile flickered across his lips, devoid of warmth, failing to dispel the chill of his demeanor.

Mithra inhaled deeply, steadying her nerves as she prepared to showcase her professional journey. She recounted her tenure with the company, detailing the projects that had flourished under her leadership She spoke of 'Project Aether,' her voice tinged with pride, as she described its triumphant 70% market penetration—a figure well above industry expectations.

Yet, Mr. Krishna's face remained a mask of indifference. His eyes, sharp and assessing, seemed to dissect her words, searching for substance beyond the numbers.

"And these achievements qualify you to be my secretary?" Mr. Krishna's voice carried a mocking undertone, and a surge of anger welled up within Mithra. "I asked about you, Ms. Mithra, not your achievements. Tell me about yourself," he said, taking a slow sip of his coffee.

Mithra was puzzled. What could he possibly want to know about her? She mustered a perfect smile and began, "You're absolutely right, Mr. Krishna." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "The projects I've managed don't qualify me to be your secretary, and frankly, I'm not sure why I received this promotion. But I'll gladly share a bit about myself."

He seemed intrigued then, turning his full attention to her.

"I'm Ragini Mithra. I completed my bachelor's in business administration at Madras University, worked at 'Skyline Dynamics' for three years, then took a break for personal reasons. I joined this company as an intern a year ago. I'm aware that I may not seem qualified to be your secretary, but this decision was made by Ms. Rhea without consulting me. I would be more than happy to return to my previous position as Lead Project Manager, which I believe I deserve, considering my contributions."

The last part was bold from Mithra, but she felt it was necessary for him to hear it from her. She wouldn't let him walk all over her.

"Good then, start your position as my secratary tomorrow for now, you can go and learn how to survive in this company under me from Mr. Arul that is given that you do want to continue working here. for now you can leave" he indulged himself in some work after indirectly asking her to ger out. 

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 06 ⏰

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