Chapter 5: The Market, Part 1

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After what feels like an agonizingly long time filled with many sharp words spoken by the tailor to Xander in her native language, we finally finish. We're able to find a nice pair of sturdy boots in my size, which Xander has me put on. My old boots we leave with the tailor to make use of. Xander pays her for the clothing and extra for having it done by tomorrow morning. On our way out the door, she speaks to him in her language again, the warning apparent in her tone even though I can't understand a word she's said. He responds in the same soothing calm voice he's used through the entire interaction. She nods her head, finally seeming to accept whatever he's telling her and then turns to me. She gives a gentle pat on my head and I duck away in surprise, but she's not deterred. "Blessings" she says quietly as the door closes behind us.

Quinn and Liam are both waiting out front as we exit the shop, "What took you so long?" Quinn complains.

"The tailor was Ytrichian, it took time to reassure her that Cassandra was in safe hands."

Quinn huffs out a laugh. "Death by fabric scissors, what a way to go."

Xander must spot the confusion on my face because he explains, "Slavery is banned and very much despised in Ytrichia, it's one of the many reasons they're our closest allies. Though they do have a tendency of taking more... drastic measures then we do when it comes to abolishing the practice."

So she wasn't upset because she had to serve a slave, she was upset because I was a slave? I glance back at the shop, looking back over the recent interaction with new eyes. She'd been yelling at Xander because she thought he was hurting me. He was my owner, wasn't he?

"Enough of that, I'm famished. Let's go find food." Quinn bemoans, dramatically rubbing his stomach.

My own stomach gurgles in response, and Quinn laughs, pointing a finger at it. "See! We're starving the poor girl."

Xander chuckles, and Liam simply rolls his eyes. "There's a market set up in the town square. We can find something to eat there."

Liam turns and leads us down the street. As we walk, I take in the sights. The streets are cobbled and in good condition. Every 30 paces or so are sturdy poles with lanterns so the streets can be lit and welcoming even at night. Shops line the sides, all of them well maintained. It's a gorgeous town. When we round the corner toward the market, I stop in shock. The open space is filled with carts and people selling wares. It's the center of the area that draws my eye, though. There's a large circular stone basin about knee-high. In the middle of it are three smaller basins stacked on top of one another, getting smaller as they go up. Water shoots out of the center of the tallest point and cascades over the sides of each back into the main pool. I cock my head, curiosity getting the better of me as I try to puzzle out this strange creation. What is it? How does the water shoot up out of it like that? Why isn't the biggest basin overflowing? Where is the water going? What purpose does it serve? How long did it take them to haul in that much water? Why would someone go through all the trouble? Maybe they took advantage of a natural spring? Does it freeze in the winter?

Xander interrupts my rambling thoughts, and I realize they all stopped when I did. "It's called a fountain. It works similarly to indoor plumbing. The water is pushed through pipes with the aid of sigils. The same water is cycled through continuously, so it doesn't overflow. In towns with these sorts of entertainment features, there is generally a water mage in charge of maintenance. They can fill the fountains and maintain the water levels much easier than others. They're beautiful during the winter, especially in areas where temperatures get very low. It's quite impressive to see the water frozen in the shooting display. This particular fountain is run by a large underground spring, one of the largest in the region. We can sit at the tables by the base to eat if you would like."

The Conduit: Illisian Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now