Chapter Six : Getting Ready for the Worst

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Crown Prince Yi stared blankly at the Lou Ben's map at the stand. On one spot that Fei Ming had marked with a miniature red flag earlier at the middle of the forest at Fengzhi, North territory. That was where Tian Shuo resided for almost a month since he and his soldiers ambushed Qi Village. However, last night they received information that Tian Shuo and his remnants plotted something during the memorial service. He suddenly drowned in a dilemma.

He must have taken action immediately towards the rebels but on the same occasion, he must make sure his participation in the prayer ceremony as his royal father commanded weeks ago. His mind was still clouded by the responsibilities he carried on his shoulders. Weighing the effect of his choice. If he focuses on the praying ceremony, the opportunity to track down Tian Shuo again will be like searching for a needle in a haystack. Crown Prince Yi bit the corner of his lower lips. The thorough and pressured he endured caused his head to explode if he did not search for the solution soon.

Meanwhile, Fifth Prince who allegedly got involved in the important meeting after a week entered the military camp started getting overwhelmed with the intense and heated discussion and slowly slides to his third brother. "What do you think, older brother?" He asked in a low voice.

Crown Prince Yi did not reply causing the Fifth Prince to nudge softly at his third brother, and he succeeded in receiving a stare from the person beside him.


The fifth prince widened his eyes, taken aback with his third brother question, "Your opinion," he whined then pointed at the current discussion they're in.

There were only five of them in the main camp, him, the fifth prince, Fei Ming and the remaining were the most experienced generals of the empire. They had fought together with the emperor and Huo Buyi, therefore he never thinks twice to get them participated in the meeting. And now all eyes led to him, waiting for his decision to strike at the right time.

Crown Prince Yi leaned towards the table in front of him, exhaled sharply. He looked up at each of the people around the table, "We will focus on the prayer ceremony from now on." He said firmly. "Let's get into work."

The time they started the meeting was when the sun was still hiding behind the mountains, however, they finished everything when the sun slid a bit to the West.

"Now, we must follow the plan thoroughly and never speak a word about it to anyone else." Crown Prince Yi reminded his subordinates and Fifth Prince. They nodded almost simultaneously, getting ready for everything before the plan started.

Crown Prince Yi walked the fifth prince out, having a small talk while they headed to the military camp entrance. He was called out by the Fifth Prince, to join him for lunch.

"I know a good restaurant in the capital that serves your favourite dishes, let's go."

Crown Prince Yi shook his head smoothly. "I don't think I have time for that, my fifth brother. I am sorry but I have to turn down your invitation."

"Do you have any appointments today?" Fifth Prince asked out of curiosity because he never knew much about his third older brother even though he always stuck with the crown prince since he can write and read.

"Something like that." He smiled. His change of expression when he answered that causing the fifth prince raised his brows. He just did not want to say anything because he did not want to speculate on anything. He thought the crown prince wanted to visit their royal mother again. "You can go without me. And meet you before dawn tomorrow."

"Mn. See you then, Your Highness." Fifth Prince bowed down to his older brother although Crown Prince Yi already reminded him to not do that when they were alone. He jumped into his carriage that had been waiting for him, waving at his third brother like a child and the crown prince just played along, knowing how his younger brother was too late to be taught about the royal manner when he was excited.

Crown Prince Yi shook his head and sighed frustratingly over the fifth prince's childishness and teasing. He watched over him for a while before returning to his camp. He went straight to his study table and grinds the ink for seconds before dipping his brush in the wet grinder. He wrote something to the white sheet paper that he prepared first after he settled down on his wooden chair. The words kept on appearing and kept going until he ended at the third sheet. Stamped them with his crown prince seal. Twins dragons circling the 'Trust' word. Let the ink dry before he folded it and put the letter in the silky envelope, writing the receiver's name, 'Huo Buyi'.


The people in the palace buzzed around at the time Crown Prince Yi and Fei Ming walked past the Chongde Hall and Guyang Hall to Changqiu Palace. He watched the carriages ready at the entrance and maids and eunuchs carrying the things to bring to the prayer ceremony.

"I shall prepare my things too, don't you think, Fei Ming?" He said after seeing a line for servants carrying the boxes into their respective carriages.

Fei Ming chuckled silently behind his crown prince, "I do think A-Zhi is already done packing for you, Your Highness."

Crown Prince Yi nodded after realise he does have someone to count on when it comes about preparation, "Right. He must have packed everything worth a carriage."

He heard a little laughter behind him and Crown Prince Yi also could not hold himself, smiled wider when he recalled his cute eunuch when it comes to travelling or anything that involves a carriage. He could remember his last trip where Junior Eunuch Fu stacked a box of his apparel into the carriage when he was on a mission to check the crop production and condition, thus he did not have time to wear fancy outfits under his armour.

They stood in front of the entrance of Changqiu Palace. The gate opened for him but before he entered, he turned his face to his right shoulder, "You must tell him about tomorrow."

"Right away, Your Highness." Fei Ming bowed his head. "Have a nice meal, Your Highness."

"Mn." Crown Prince Yi entered the cold palace meanwhile Fei Ming headed to West Palace, to find Junior Eunuch Fu as soon as possible.


The scene at the Xiang Hua Restaurant was never not chaotic with the customers and the lively performances by foreign troops.

Fifth Prince was watching the performance from the first floor, minding his own business like a commoner in the crowd which had the same interest as him. He remembered years ago he would feel small and hate his likes for stories and arts but ever since Cheng Shaoshang encouraged him to do what makes him happy and enjoy the most, he started to ignore what others were thinking of his choice as long as he was happy doing it.

The waiter came to his table, bringing the additional dishes he ordered. The waiter looked haggard but the prince just put a smile on his face until his eyes trailed down to the new dishes. His smile getting wider looking at the savoury dishes and could not wait to taste them.

He took a piece of vegetable from the plate in front of him. Then he noticed something from the plate on his left side. Brownish paper was half hidden under the plate. He furrowed but immediately took it and brought it under the table. Fifth Prince looked around anxiously and carefully for a few seconds before he read the content of the letter.

He put the letter in his right sleeve. Acted like nothing happened however he got on his feet and walked to the third floor of the same restaurant, headed to a private chamber near the stairs and there was the same waiter guarding the door. The waiter casually opened the door after the fifth prince came and the fifth prince saw a man in his fifties, wearing dark red with flowery design on his attire, seating at the table and sparing a glance at him before signalling the fifth prince to enter. The fifth prince grinned and excitedly entered the chamber. The door was closed by the waiter after, set the barrier for what happened in the private from the outside world.

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