Chapter Five : About Her

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The time Crown Prince Yi arrived in the Lianyi Hall, Emperor Wen and Empress Yue finished half of their meals, therefore, he apologized for being late and went straight to his place, the left side of the emperor seat. The atmosphere was quite intense in the hall with the emperor who shot a stare at him though Empress Yue was welcoming with a motherly smile.

"Are you returning from Changqiu Palace?" Empress Yue asked while the Crown Prince Yi just settled down.

"Yes, mother." He then took a piece of spicy meat from the dish plate into his bowl, and consumed it politely. Munch it slow like how he had been taught since he was little. Eating calm and with manner.

She beamed at the crown prince, "How is Empress Xuan?"

Crown Prince Yi looked up and studied her face, a few seconds before he bloomed into a smile on his face, "The royal mother is in good health today. She also takes a walk at the Imperial Garden almost every morning now." Crown Prince Yi recalled from his conversation with the former empress earlier, and he was delighted seeing her being healthy and happy.

"And are you planning to go there without your attendants again?" The serious tones from the emperor almost made his heart skip a beat. The chopsticks on his hand he grabbed tightly, while swaying his attention towards the emperor next to him.

The emperor was intentionally not looking at him, eating like usual.

He took a deep breath. "Father, I went to the Changqiu Palace to visit the royal mother. And I know she was not fond of having more visitors crowded in her recuperating place." He said firmly. "My attendants also subside with the rules and are always waiting nearby. Is there a problem about it?"

"There will be a problem because Changqiu Palace does not reside with Shen'an only," Emperor Wen looked straight into his eyes, "There is Zisheng's ex-fiancee." The emperor raised his voice.

Crown Prince Yi raised his eyebrows. He found it funny. He wondered if this was the reason why the emperor called him from the military camp. Was this the reason he was concerned from the start. It was all because of his involvement with Cheng Shaoshang.

Crown Prince Yi lowered his head to the meals instead while trying to enjoy the meal, but he secretly laughed over the fact that the fuss his father created was because he was getting involved with Cheng Shaoshang's life. The thought of his father already makes him lose his appetite. His life was nothing but being called as the usurper of his older brother's throne, young and useless crown prince, and now he got called as stealing his best friend's fiancee. What a good life he got.

"Why would he have anything to do with Cheng Shaoshang, he went to Changqiu Palace to visit Empress Xuan." Empress Yue trying to talk sense towards the emperor. Everyone knew why the crown prince went there and there was no issue before. Why should there be now?

"The walls in the palace had eyes and ears. And it was the best opportunity for the people who had bad intentions towards the crown prince."

"The walls in Changqiu Palace had blurry eyes and deaf ears, so you should not have to believe too much." Crown Prince Yi said casually while playing with his food. He really wanted something to distract his mind from those crazy rumors.

"If you understand what position you are in right now, restrict your actions and pay more attention to your responsibility." Emperor Wen drank up the remaining tea in his cup after finishing his meals. "You have to prepare for your marriages if you want these rumors to stop."

Crown Prince Yi cursed in silence. Again. Marriage. Like there was no other solution to shut down the evil mouths. He acknowledged he was the only one who was not betrothed to maidens, no pair with anyone for a long period of time. Not because he had someone he could not have in his heart, but he was only focused on building the empire and defending it from the enemies. Before he could respond, he was cut by Empress Yue who was delighted somehow.

"I heard General Ji and his family are returning to the capital. Is it true, Your Majesty?"

Emperor Wen nodded. "Mn. I already invited the whole family to participate in the praying ceremony in the upcoming month." He darted his eyes towards Crown Prince Yi, "I have heard their second daughter will be there, maybe there is still hope for you two? What do you think, crown prince?"

Crown Prince Yi placed his chopsticks on his table and exhaled lightly. Making a perfect fake smile over the emperor's order, but his mind was set. "I don't think the same, Your Majesty. My apology." He watched how the expression of the emperor changed more seriously than earlier but he did not want other words to come out from his royal father's mouth so he got on his feet. He walked to the middle of the hall, "I am sorry for not be able to accompany you two much longer because I have other important things to do. I will leave first."

He was set to leave when he heard Emperor Wen reminded him about the prayer ceremony.

"You must be there. Do your job as my next heir properly."

"I will, Your Majesty." He bowed as the farewell greeting before he turned around and walked to the exit. The beam that practically on his face slowly turned down, the more he walked away from his royal parents and when he at the between entrance, he exhaled lightly. His responsibility for the day had ended and he just wanted to return to West Palace, his safest place.


Emperor Wen slammed his table, causing the dishes in the plates and bowl in front of him splattered, as he sighed heavily due to Crown Prince Yi's behaviour after the crown prince left the room.

"You should not be too hard to the crown prince. He have done so much since he became your heir." Empress Yue waved her right hand, ordering the maids to pick up the plates and bowls on every tables, after she sounded her husband.

"Am I too hard on him?" He spared a glance over his empress. The empress just tilted her head a little. Returned the question to him. Emperor Wen pressed his lips tightly. "I want him to be a good ruler one day to the empire. To make the sacrifice your family and Shen'an's family worth it."

Empress Yue sighed. She did understand what her husband meant however, being harsh always to Crown Prince Yi was never good. Especially when he had achieved many things for the country.

"Maybe you give him space to let him breath peacefully. Or maybe you do not have to bring up about his betrothal with the second daughter of General Ji."

"Crown Prince Yi and Young Lady Ji grew together until I sent General Ji and his family to rule Yong City, became county there. They betrothed each other because they chose to, although they put it an end after four years not seeing each other." Emperor Wen turned his body aside, facing his beloved wife, "Say, am I wrong for ordering him to reconcile with the young lady at the prayer ceremony?" Emperor Wen asked curiously towards the empress.

"Hmm... Maybe you should give them some space. They are all grown up now and can determine what they want to do and make decision for their own good." Empress Yue widened her smile, patting her husband's shoulder softly, "They are just like us when we were young and looked where we were at today."

"Yeah. You are right. And I hope they will not have to face challenges we had before," Emperor Wen stared at the entrance, watching someone who already not there anymore. "Like us and Shen'an." his heart whispered. He did not want to mention it in front of his beloved wife again.

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