fifty seven

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"What did you say?" Kakashi stared down at the boy. Sasuke sighed and pulled out Naruko's letter from his pocket. "Naruko left to take care of something in Suna, according to this, she has permission from the Hokage but no one else knows about it and she doesn't want me telling where she went, aside from you" he explains, a hint of jealousy in his voice

Kakashi takes the letter and reads it

"Why are we the only ones allowed to know about where she's gone to, I wonder" Kakashi wondered out loud.

"So we don't have to worry?" Sasuke asked

"No, if that was the case then she'd have told her other friends, and Iruka too, If it was true that she got permission from Lord third about her leaving for Suna" Kakashi muses

Sasuke frowns "Are you saying she lied?"

"About the part where she was permitted to leave? Yes, it seems so" Kakashi deduced.


"I don't know" Kakashi was getting antsy, he BADLY to go hunt her down, right now, right this second, but he needed to be rational.

He brought the letter to his nose and smelled the linger scent of Naruko. Perhaps he could track her down

"The hell are you doing?" Sasuke asked making a bewildered face and snatching the letter from Kakashi's hand.

"There are traces of Naruko's scent there, I could track her down. Last night at around 10:55pm I caught her scent in the air while I was outside my house, I was certain it was Naruko, but my mistake was not checking on her. She must have been leaving the village then"

"How many days to travel to Suna?"

"A week if you count taking stops, shorter if you know short cuts and continue travelling without any breaks" Kakashi explains.

The Hatake handed the letter back to Sasuke. "I wonder, what's her business in Sunagakure? Is she meeting with someone?"

"As far as I know, the only person she knows there is that red haired freak Gaara, and I suppose his siblings too" Sasuke explains

"Well then" Kakashi clapped his hands. "You may go home now Sasuke, thank you for telling me this, I'm going after Naruko" he said, eye smiling, but his tone of voice said that the decision was finale.

Sasuke felt pissed. "What? I'm going too" he snapped

"No you need to stay here. If anyone starts questioning where Naruko's been, you can make up a story, tell them she's on a mission with me or something" Kakashi shrugged. Sasuke narrowed his eyes "And if they ask why I and Sakura aren't with you?"

"You got sick, and Sakura..." Kakashi scratched the back of his neck. "Well you'll think of something" the older man walked past the boy, who walked after him

"Are you screwing with me Kakashi-sensei?!"

"Hey, watch your mouth" Kakashi said sternly

They argued back and forth, Sasuke insisting that he join on the Naruko retrieval mission and Kakashi insisting he stay behind. Eventually, Sasuke reluctantly agrees to stay put, and wait for Kakashi to return with Naruko

Kakashi packs some supplies for the journey, and leaves the village without a second thought, or glance.

Their only concern being Naruko's well being and what she could be doing now.

"What are you doing Naruko?" The younger Sharingan weilder and the older one both thinks


It was mid afternoon, and Naruko was on her back, limbs entangled with her partner. It was a very long, painful AND pleasurable night, and now she finally felt sated, her lower region did not ache as much, but Naruko knew it was only a matter of time before she and Gaara start screwing like rabbits again

"Holy fuck, I can't believe we lasted the whole entire night, I barely even slept, and how did this bed survive?" Were the thoughts running through her mind.

She looked upon the sleeping face of her mating partner and felt a strong affection for him, she nuzzled his neck, and licked where the mating seal was.

"He was so rough, yet so gentle at the same time"

Gaara stirred and cracked open his seafoam green eyes. When his eyes met hers, he leaned his face forward and licked the corner of her lips, before lowering himself to gently bite her neck, specifically the spot where the mating seal was.

She felt her body heat up again and couldn't help but giggle

"Here we go again"


Sakura stared at the pan of food she cooked for the blonde bane of her existence. It's been TWO. MONTHS. and she was STILL alive?! How?! Sakura has been mixing the poisonous mushrooms she gathered into the food she makes and delivers them herself to Naruko. She does this almost everyday without fail, her recipes never change

And yet....nothing. Naruko still looks healthier than ever. Hair as shiny as the sun, skin still perfectly sun kissed, and she was still excelling at training.

The pink haired girl scowled as she glared down at the poisoned food in the pan.

Did Naruko have some sort of demon inside her belly that's been eating out all the poison?!

Whatever the case, Sakura won't give up, she'll get rid of that blonde wench one way or another.

Sakura pondered her thoughts.

What if Naruko hasn't been eating any of her cooking? What if she's just been throwing them away as soon as Sakura leaves? "AARGH! that would explain a lot! The bitch still doesn't trust me!"

If that was really the case, then she had to figure out a way to ensure Naruko would eat the food Sakura gives her. But then how?

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