fifty six

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Kakashi leaned against his window sill, his mask pulled down to his neck, eyes focused yet unfocused, his nose would give an occasional twitch everytime he smelled the air. The air had a fragrant smell this evening, it was lovely...and oh so familiar. The air smelled exactly like NARUKO.

The scent that he caught of her pheromones this morning nearly had him salivating, the blood coming from her vagina messed with his mind and had him feeling extremely possessive and almost animalistic, but he controlled himself before he does anything that would scare off the blonde

Like chomping down on her delectable neck, branding her, and possessively kissing her mouth. He knew he it was fucking WRONG, he was the sensei, the older figure, but whenever he is around her his instincts would throw away what LITTLE morality he has left.

"Try as you might, you can't escape your true nature" HE said. Kakashi growled and shook his head harshly, willing HIM away from his mind.

He should get some sleep. Tomorrow he'll take on a mission that will keep him away from Konoha, and especially Naruko, for at least a month or two, that way he can clear his mind and pull himself together. That way when he returns he can surround himself with Naruko's company without the thought of-

"Ravishing her, enclosing yourself with her petite frame, don't you just love the image of her beneath you?" HIS laughter echoed in his mind. Kakashi growled lowly as he silences HIM through his will power alone.

Suddenly the familiar scent of blood and peaches hit his nose, and the wind's fragrance of Naruko's scent grew stronger.

Naruko was nearby.

Kakashi gripped the window sill tightly, a part of him wanted to track her down, another part wondered what she was doing out this late of the night, and another part wanted to stay away from her and lock all his windows and door and bury himself under his blankets so as to not smell Naruko's wonderful aroma.

That part of him won, so Kakashi locked his door and windows and fell into bed, blanketing himself and forcing himself to go to sleep.

"Why are you resisting? You're a wolf, she's your prey, are you really letting your prey get away from you? That would make you a pathetic hunter" HE baited.

"She's your prey....and your mate"

It would be a long night for Kakashi


When Sasuke woke up the next morning, the house was quiet. Dead quiet. For Sasuke this should have been normal, he spent years in an empty house without anyone living with him, just him and the suffocating silence, but for the past two months of living with Naruko he's gotten used to waking up to a commotion. Whether it's to the loud TV, radio, or the pots and pans clanging in the kitchen for whatever reason, or even just Naruko talking to her shadow clones

He also expected to wake up to Naruko's pained groans or cursing due to her cramp

But he woke up to nothing. Just silence. The suffocating silence.

"Naruko?" Sasuke calls, walking around the house, checking the kitchen, bathroom, and the garden.

When he realized he didn't check her room, he went there and found an empty bedroom. A bed that clearly wasn't slept in, an open window, and a note on the bed.

Sasuke picked up the note and read it.

He frowned, gritted his teeth, before folding the note and running a hand down his face. "God damn it, Naruko" he growled. "What the hell are you doing in Suna?" To see the red head? Why would she want to do that? It can't possibly be because she's friends with the red head's brother and sister, she barely interacted with them during the Chunin exams.

And she seemed to have formed a relationship of sorts with the red head. She took him sight seeing around the village after the exam, and even had a ramen date. Sakura says it was a date, but Sasuke begged to differ, it was probably just a friendly lunch and the red head was stupidly assuming it was a date

"Is she heading see that red head? Gaara?" He muttered

He re-read the letter

"If Kakashi sensei asks, you can tell him where I am"

Why would she only allow Kakashi to be the one to know?

His thoughts were interrupted by knockings on the door.

Sasuke stuffed the note in his pocket and went to the front door to open it, only to be met with Sakura, holding a bento box. "Sasuke-kun! Good morning!" She greeted, blushing slightly.

"Sakura, what do you want?" He asked. He didn't want to deal with Sakura, or anyone else, right now. He was greatly annoyed by Naruko's sudden departure, she didn't even bothered to tell him in person!

"Is Naruko home? I made her something" Sakura asks looking over Sasuke's shoulder.

"She....she went to the village to buy eggs , you just missed her"

"Oh, well can you tell her I stopped by? And give this to her!" The pinkette handed him the bento box. When he was about to take the box from her hands, she suddenly gripped it tighter. "Sasuke-kun, this food is for Naruko only alright? So...don't eat it" she said with a tight smile.

Sasuke raised a brow at this. "Okay" was all he said before taking the wrapped box and closing the door.

He headed to the kitchen and placed the bento box inside his fridge, where it laid there forgotten until Naruko comes home.

Sasuke takes out the letter again

"If Kakashi sensei asks, you can tell him where I am"

Should he go get Kakashi? "I don't even know where the guy even lives" Sasuke thought.

He was curious, and a bit anxious, he found himself scratching Naruko's bite once more. The bite which he pretty much figured out was actually a SEAL. He'll talk to Naruko about that, when she gets home.


To Naruko's surprise, she got to Suna faster than she initially expected. Taking many short cuts that she knew from memory, after two days of travelling with no breaks, she reached the desert village of Sunagakure.

It was nightfall, and the gates to the village were closed. Of course, since she didn't have an official invitation from the Kage she doubted she would be let in.

Her shorts felt clammy, and her vagina was aching, she felt hot, and not because of the desert's temperature, but because

"Fuck my heat's starting" Naruko thinks, panicked. "Thank god I arrived here just in time"

What did she need to do? Mate with Gaara? How is she supposed to do that? Should she just....let him do all the work?

She panted as she scaled over the walls and sniffed the air, pin pointing Gaara's scent and following it to the largest house in the village. She found his room easily, the window was left open.

"Ah..." She took a heavy breath and slipped into the room.

There, laid Gaara, half naked, rolling around in his bed, panting heavily, his legs rubbing against each other.

"Gaara" Naruko whispered his name.

The red head's eyes flew open and they landed on her. They were wild, pupils shrank to almost pinpricks. A bit of saliva dripped to his chin and he lets out a low growl. "'re here"

Naruko bites her lower lip and presses her legs together, she ACHED so much down there. And she felt hot so very hot...

"I'm here...I'm.."

"Don't hold yourself back, go on now, claim your mate" Kurama whispered temptingly.

Shukaku was also whispering dark things to Gaara.

And that was it, Naruko jumped on the bed and entangled her limbs to Gaara's, rubbing their cores to each other.

They just let their animal instincts take control

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