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Haku blushed dark red when her blue eyes locked on him, he jumped back and began awkwardly fiddling with his hands. He's never felt this way before, or maybe it was because he wasn't around girls as often?

"Thanks for waking me up" she said sitting up and stretching her arms above her head, well aware of Haku's attention on her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing sleeping out here? It's dangerous" Haku asked with a gentle smile. "Oh, I was training last night and I tired myself out. My body couldn't handle any more movement so I passed out" she answered causing him to giggle "Training? Are you"

"That's right!"

"Where's your Hitai-ate?"

"In my pocket, it's uncomfortable sleeping with this on" she pulls out her forehead protector and tied it around her neck.

"I see, well then I'll be doing my business now" Haku said going to a nearby tree, Naruko smirked and followed behind. "What are you doing?"

"I've come to gather herbs for medicine"

"Let me help! I know a thing or two about medicinal herbs" and so she helped the beautiful boy gather his needed herbs. "Probably for Zabuza" she thought

Suddenly she felt something be placed between her ear. She blinked and touched it, it was a flower. She looked at Haku questioningly "It's a white rose" he said "I saw it and immediately thought it would look beautiful on you" he said turning red, Naruko giggled "Thank you, by the way  forgot to tell you my name! I'm-"

"Naruko" he said. Naruko tensed and frowned, how did he know her name? She doesn't recall ever telling him that, not even in her past life.

Seeing her look of suspicion he said "I saw you dancing in the village square, and I overheard that black hared boy call you by your name"

"Oh" Naruko said.

"You dance very gracefully" Haku continhed on, blushing again. Naruko would have snorted, because in her past life she was called a lot of things except graceful. "Thank you"

"And it was very kind of you, to bring joy to the villagers' faces even if just for a few minutes, I saw how big the smiles of the children were" he continued, looking at her with admiration

Naruko felt a blush on her cheeks from the way he was looking at her. It was a breath of fresh air, compared to the way others look at her, either lustful or disgusted or as if she was a goddess.

Haku looked at her with sweet innocent admiration

They continued gathering herbs, until Haku mentions that he didn't think she was a ninja when he first saw her, she looked far too kind and delicate, which caused Naruko to laugh "Well looks can be deceiving, I'm perfectly capable of punching a hole through that tree over there, and more than capable to fight in a battle"

"You're amazing"

"But I want to become even stronger than I already am"


"Because I have a goal" Naruko answered. "I'm going to become a powerful ninja"

"Why?" Haku asked again, intrigued by her.

"There were people who..wronged me, hurt me" Naruko looked at Haku dead in the eyes. "There were people who did vile things to me that I want to take revenge on, so I'm training to get stronger"

Haku was silent for a moment, before answering "So you're doing it for your own sake?"

Ah he took the bait

Future Walker(Fem Naruto x Harem) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat