18. Save Me

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"I'm coming in," Seungcheol declared firmly, his voice rising slightly to ensure its clarity as he prepared to enter.

"Seungcheol, no, please, don't," Jisoo's voice pleaded weakly through her tears, barely audible over her distress.

Her cries fell on deaf ears as he opened the door, refraining from peeking inside, wanting to ensure she knew he was ready to enter.

Frantically, Jisoo tugged at her dress to conceal her thighs, now marred with scratches and streaks of blood, as she glanced towards the open door and locked eyes with him.

His brow furrowed in concern as he wasted no time closing the distance between them.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with worry, each step bringing him nearer to her side.

Confusion clouded his thoughts as he struggled to comprehend what had happened. Just this morning, everything seemed fine between them, and now here she was, sprawled on the bathroom floor, appearing as though she was on the brink of death.

Seungcheol swiftly knelt in front of her, deeply troubled by her state. The loud sobs that escaped her lips seemed to choke her, making it difficult for her to draw in a steady breath.

With trembling hands, she tugged at her dress, pulling it down to her knees, a attempt to protect herself from his gaze. Seungcheol couldn't help but notice the desperation in her actions to cover herself, causing his frown to deepen even further.

"Jisoo, what happened?" Seungcheol's voice held a hint of confusion, his uncertainty palpable as he found himself at a loss for how to respond to the situation unfolding before him.

His hand reached up tentatively, gently sweeping strands of hair away from her tear-streaked face. To his surprise, she visibly flinched at his touch, her reaction adding another layer of confusion to his already bewildered state.

"Come on, talk to me, hmm?" Seungcheol's voice softened into a gentle whisper as he leaned closer, his eyes pleading for her to open up to him.

But her gaze remained fixated on her thighs, concealed by the fabric of her dress.

"Take long, deep breaths, okay?" he murmured, his voice gentle yet firm, hoping to coax her out of the depths of her distress.

However she remained lost in her own pain, seemingly unaware of his attempts to comfort her.

"Jisoo?" he called out again, his voice tinged with concern as his eyes followed hers to where she was looking. His frown deepened as he noticed small dots of blood staining her dress.

"What the..." he trailed off, his hand instinctively reaching towards her thighs before she recoiled, a desperate plea escaping her lips.

"No, please," Jisoo begged, her voice thick with anguish as she scrambled away from him, her eyes pleading for understanding.

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