Player Of The Year

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Devante Swing as DesmondYour name is Tamara

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Devante Swing as Desmond
Your name is Tamara

Tamara sighed once more as she looked over at her nightstand clock, she rolled her eyes for the one hundredth time in the past two hours.

He was late, again. Ole Desmond just couldn't be on time for shit. For the past three days in a row, she had been waiting for Desmond to come home around the time he said he would, but instead he decides to show up two and a half hours late.

Tamara was getting sick of him and his bullshit lies. Not to mention every time he'd come home and she'd tell him about himself, he always came up with a shit excuse such as "I wasn't paying attention to the time" or "im sorry i had other things to do".

The same ole shit, saying anything without saying anything. It didn't take her long to put two and two together. You know what they say, a woman's intuition is never wrong.

He probably been fucking around on me with some big back frog booty looking ass bitch, Tamara thought as she rolled her eyes once more.

Tamara decided she would be petty today. Since Desmond don't want to come home on time, no meal for him.

She decided to put up all the food she cooked earlier and not make him a plate. He can fix his own shit when he gets home.

After putting up the food, she stopped in her tracks hearing her phone ding indicating she had a message. As she walked over and picked up her phone, she had never rolled her eyes back so damn far.

It was Desmond with a text message that said "Im omw home" . Tamara didn't respond back to Desmond's message. She left his ass on seen.

Pettiness was in the air tonight.

In about twenty short minutes, he was here. Coming through the front door looking like he just ran from a lion.

Who the hell been beating on this nigga? Tamara thought. Anyways that was not the point, the main point was Desmond coming home late for three nights in a row with no explanation.

Eyeing him from head to toe as he walked in the house, Tamara couldn't help but let out the loudest laugh known to mankind, making Desmond snap his head up in confusion.

"Fuck is so funny Tamara?" He spat out. Oh he must really be cheating, this nigga pulled out the government.

He always called her honey boo, and she always called him baby, which was original. But tonight wasn't none of that shit going down.

After dying down from her laughter, she couldn't help but to roll her eyes at him as she walked away, her body language screaming that she had an attitude.

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