Chapter 12 - Destiny of a New Soul

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After Eemota left the hospital following her visit with Niel, he was eventually discharged and allowed to return home.

As the sun began to set, Niel made his way up to the house, his steps slow and deliberate. He gently pushes open the door, his body still in an injured state: his left arm encased in a cast, and bandages wrapped around his head and abdomen.

As Niel continued to slowly open the door, it suddenly swung open from the other side, catching him by surprise. There stood Adelaide, rushing towards him and collapsing into his arms, tears streaming down her face.

"I... I thought you weren't going to wake up... I thought... I was going to lose you too," Adelaide cried, holding Niel tightly, her eyes squeezed shut.

Niel's expression shifted from surprise to warmth as he gently placed his hand on Adelaide's head, his face softening into a smile. Despite his injuries, he exuded a reassuring calmness as he comforted her, as if it was his real sister.

Elena approached the door, leaning against it with a relieved smile.

"Welcome home, Niel," she said warmly, her eyes expressing a sense of relief as a heavy burden seemed to lift from her shoulders.

"I'm happy you're all okay," Niel replied, his attention momentarily drawn to Ryota standing in the corner of the house, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Ryota glanced over at Niel, a small smirk playing on his face as usual. Niel forced a smile in return, though a drop of sweat trickled down his cheek, showing his nervousness.

A few minutes later, Niel sat at the dining room table across from Elena, with Adelaide next to him. He explained most of the events in Choyo to them, omitting the parts involving Ryota.

Elena crossed her arms, gazing downward with a thoughtful expression, her face showing a hint of worry.

"I had hoped we wouldn't have to hear his name again, especially since I thought moving to Aladon meant we were completely protected. But it seems Yuvel is still out there, running wild," Elena said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I don't think that's the case. There was another guy there who seemed to be his boss. I think his name was Aamon," Niel said, recalling the event.

Elena's eyes widened in recognition upon hearing the name. She quickly covered her mouth in shock.

Adelaide glances at Niel casted arm, her worry growing. "Niel," Adelaide began, her voice tinged with concern, "It's not safe out there, I'm really worried about you. Seeing you like this, it's... it's terrifying. You barely made it back, and now I bet you're thinking about going out there again?"

She reached over, gently touching his injured arm, her brow furrowed. "You have to be more careful, Niel. Promise me you won't take unnecessary risks. We can't afford to lose you. I can't... I can't handle that."

Niel looked at her. "I hear you, Addie. I'll be more cautious, I promise. But I have to do this. This is a huge threat, not just to us but to everyone..."

Adelaide sighed, her worry still etched on her face. ("I know you're determined, Niel. sometimes too determined...") Though she tried to remain composed, her worry for Niel continued to weigh heavily on her heart.

"Eventually, we're probably going to run into them again," Niel said, narrowing his eyes. "Maybe I can talk to Yuvel again, confront him about what he did... I could convince him."

Suddenly, Ryota's hand slammed against the wall in frustration, the sound echoing through the room. Niel turned to look at him, his expression questioning.

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