chapter 38

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➪ hotel lobby (unc & phew) - quavo, takeoff


About a week later:

Maëlys' pov:

It's currently Tuesday evening and I'm sitting in Amari's room with her and Kaya. After school finished today we decided to go over to Riri's house so we could study there for a test coming up on Friday. We did actually manage to study a bit but now we're just sitting on the floor in her room talking while we eat the tacos Amari's mum kindly made for us earlier.

"Ugh, I desperately need some new spring and summer clothes", Amari complains as she closes the door of her closet after she grabbed herself a hoodie.
"Girl, don't remind me. I feel like my closet is empty of warm weather clothes", Kaya says.
"Maybe we should have a good old shopping day sometime soon", I respond with a smirk.

"Yes, definitely", Riri says before she notices me smirking, "Wait, why are you looking at us like that? Have you got something planned?"
"Maybe", I shrug trying to hide my smile.
"Don't make us guess. Just spill it", Kai tells me impatiently.

"Okay, well, let's just say having a boyfriend whose brother is part of the England squad has its perks", I say before I grab my backpack and pull out two envelopes.
"Envelopes, really? Do you have to make it so extra?"
"Jobe gave me those like that. I didn't change anything", I chuckle, "And now stop complaining and just open please."

Both of them do as I requested and open the envelopes. They then pull out a ticket to the game on Saturday along with train tickets.
"We're going to the game against fucking Brasil in London?", Kai asks excitedly.
"We very much are", I confirm, "And we're not just gonna be there Saturday evening. We'll leave Friday after school and will take the train back on Sunday. Since the game is in the evening we'll have the whole day to go shopping in London."

"Oh my god, I love this. I love you", Riri squeals as she pulls me into a hug.
"Wait, but where are we going to stay if we're there the whole weekend?", Kai cuts in.
"Well, even though I told him we could handle it ourselves, Jobe insisted on paying for our hotel. We'll be in the same one as him and his parents. The two of you have a room together and I will stay with Jobe", I explain.

"Have I mentioned before that you have the best boyfriend?", Amari says laughingly.
"You might be right on that one", I chuckle.
"I can't wait. This is like the perfect reward for that dumb test on Friday", Kai says.
"That's literally what I was thinking", Riri adds.
"A shopping day with my girls and finishing it off with watching football with y'all and my boyfriend. That sounds like the best day", I tell my friends.

"And Riri will get to see her boyfriend in action", Kai teases her.
"He's not my boyfriend, not even close", Amari returns with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice making Kai and I send each other a confused look.
"Why are you saying it like that? Like what do you mean 'not even close'? I thought your date went really good and you two hit it off", I question her.

"Yeah, well, I thought so too. But Jude's been a bit dry with me lately. After the date we texted like nonstop. However, in the last week or so we've had less and less contact. When I asked him yesterday why he's been so dry he just said he's busy", Riri shrugs trying to hide that she's upset.
"What the fuck? That's a stupid excuse. Jobe's got more games and training sessions than Jude but we still talk every day even if we don't see each other."

"Lee's right. Being busy is no excuse for him to text you less. I mean it's not like that it was a problem for him before", Kai adds.
"Just try to talk to him on Saturday after the game. He can't ignore you there", I tell Riri.
"I guess I could do that. Thanks guys. I thought I was being delusional for thinking he could at least respond to simple texts", Riri replies, "Let's talk about something else now though please."

"Sure. Let's make a plan on which shops we want to hit on Saturday", Kai suggests.
"Good idea. Urban Outfitters should defo be on the list", I say.
Both my friends agree with a nod so we write it down while adding more shops to the list. We continue to plan our days in London until it's time for Kaya and I to go home.


Timeskip to Friday:

As we step into the lobby of the hotel I spot Jobe already waiting for us. When he looks up from his phone he sees us walking towards him which makes him send us a smile.
"Hey", he tells us and he presses a small kiss on my lips.
"What's up, Jobe", Kai answers before Riri and I greet my boyfriend as well.

The girls and I quickly get checked in before we walk to the elevator together. As we wait for it to get to the bottom floor we just talk a bit.
Since it's already after six in the evening we all decide to get ready as soon as we get to our rooms so we can head out for dinner. Jobe told us that his parents will eat dinner in the hotel so it's just the four of us. Knowing that we'd arrive in the evening Kaya, Amari and I already chose a restaurant not too far away from our hotel.

"Let's meet back in the lobby at seven", I suggest after we step out of the elevator at our floor.
"Yeah, let's do that", Amari says while Kaya nods along.
"Alright, see you then", I return before Jobe leads me into the opposite direction of my friends to our hotel room.

"Can I shower first? I need longer afterwards with getting dressed and my makeup, you know", I tell him as we step into our room.
"We could also shower together", Jobe teases with a smirk.
"In your dreams", I chuckle.
"How'd you know what I dream about?", he jokes, "Nah, but sure, you go first."
With a thanking smile I grab everything I need from the small suitcase I brought for the trip and head to the bathroom.

After I'm finished with my shower I change into an outfit. Keeping it simple I just pair some blue jeans with a white crop top and add some jewelry.
"Bathroom's free now", I tell Jobe as I step into the bedroom again.
"You look very cute", he says as I walk over to him.
"Thank you", I smile.

Before he heads to the bathroom Jobe grabs some clothes to put on after the shower and leaves a quick kiss on my lips. As the bathroom door closes I settle myself down in front of the desk to start on my makeup.

About half an hour later both of us are almost done getting ready. I take out my Valentino perfume and spray some on the usual spots before I put on my heels and a coat to finish off my outfit for the night.

"I love this perfume", Jobe says as he walks up behind me and smiles at me through the mirror, "You ready to go?""Yes, let's get going", I reply

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"I love this perfume", Jobe says as he walks up behind me and smiles at me through the mirror, "You ready to go?"
"Yes, let's get going", I reply.
I quickly check my bag if I put everything I need into it before Jobe and I make our way out of the hotel room and towards the elevator.


chapter 38 finished y'all🤝🏼.
bit of a shorter one this time🤷🏼‍♀️.
i actually don't know if jobe was really at one of the last england games but let's just pretend he was lol.
as far as i know he wasn't with any youth england squad during the international break so he definitely could have been at wembley in march ig🤷🏼‍♀️.
also, the introduction and characters of my jude book are out if y'all haven't seen it yet.
i'll try to post the first chapter there soon but i can't say when 'soon' actually is.
anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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