chapter 16

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➪ did you see - j hus


Maëlys' pov:

As I wake up and slowly open my eyes, adjusting them to the light, I see my two best friends talking to each other. I lift my head up only now realizing I've once again have rested it on Jobe's shoulder while sleeping. I yawn and rub my eyes trying to hide my blush with my hands.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Had a nice sleep?", Jobe asks as he notices I'm awake.
"I guess so. Didn't really have the most comfortable surface to sleep on", I joke in return.
He just chuckles and sends me a smile.
I somewhat automatically smile back before turning my head to my friends. As my eyes reach their faces I see them smirking at me.

'What?', I mouth to them. 'Nothing', Amari mouths back and giggles.
"You woke up at just the right time. We're supposed to arrive in a few", Kaya informs me.
"That's good. Has any of you thought about how we'll get to the stadium?"
"We could take the bus, I guess", Kaya shrugs though she doesn't really sound convinced.

"Uh-ah, I'm putting my veto here", Jude cuts in, "Let's just take an uber."
"And you think there'll be one who can take all eight of us?", I ask him with sarcasm in my voice.
"Thank you", Jobe says, "That's what I told him when he suggested taking an uber to Liverpool in general."

"Well, I'm fine with paying for two ubers. It's also faster since a bus will probably have to stop every two minutes or so", Jude tells us.
"Oh, come on you guys. Let rich boy pay for us if he wants to. And he's not wrong with the many stops, you know", Abdoullah adds himself to the conversation.
"Abdy's right. It's Jude's money so let's spend it", Mason jokes.
"That's not really what I meant", Jude cuts in, "But if that's what will convince you, then so be it."
After looking at each other both Jobe and I give in.

Only a minute or two later we actually arrive at the main train station. After we get on the platform we start walking towards the exit while Jude does as he promised and orders us two ubers. When they arrive we part our little group in two. Jobe, Jude, Amari and I get into one of the ubers, Mason, Jolina, Abdoullah and Kaya get into the other one.
After a 15 minute drive we reach the stadium and meet up with the rest before making our way inside.


"No, no, no. God damn it!", I shout and slightly hit Amari's shoulder, who's sitting on my right. It didn't even take Arsenal five minutes to fucking score. That stupid Gabriel.
"Ow, Lee! Don't hit me. Let your aggressions out on someone else", Riri tells me while rubbing her arm.
"Don't worry, they'll come back", Jude says, though he seems slightly unconvinced.
I still try to believe him and let out a long sigh.

"It's alright", Jobe tells me quietly and suddenly takes my left hand.
My eyes widen and I feel a blush rushing onto my cheeks. Still I don't let go of his hand. Somehow it feels right. I don't know why or how to describe it, but it just does.
I quickly shake my head and focus back on the game.


The second the ball hits the back of the net the stadium erupts into cheers. All of us jump up from our seats and join the rest of the fans. Out of joy I pull Jobe into a hug. He almost immediately puts his arms around my waist and lifts me up for a second. When he sets me down again we stare at each other for a moment before I turn to Kai and Riri to hug them as well.

"Mohamed Salah, you brilliant Egyptian king", I say proudly as we sit back down.
"And have you seen Trent's pass? It was phenomenal", Jude says with a bright smile on his face and pure excitement in his voice.
This makes Jobe and me to look at each other and burst out laughing. Jobe has mentioned before that his brother has a weird obsession with his best mate and has called Trent Jude's boyfriend at some point. So as soon as I saw his face I just had to laugh.

"What have I said that's so funny?", Jude wants to know.
"Oh nothing. Just make sure to congratulate your boyfriend later", I laugh.
At that he just sends me the evils before turning his head back to the pitch.


I gasp as I see Kostas fall to the ground, due to Saka fouling him, and clashing into Klopp making the gaffer fall as well. While Klopp gets back on his feet rather quickly, Kostas is still lying on the ground. Immediately the rest of the coaching staff gets up from their seats and quickly gets to the left back.

I lean forward trying to get a better look at the situation. I see the medics rush towards Kostas trying to figure out what exactly happened. A minute or so later he's back on his feet but still looks like he's in a lot of pain. His right arm is being held by one of the staff members while he tries to make some sort of an arm sling with Kostas' jersey. Together with another member of the team Kostas is then led off the pitch towards the inside of the stadium.

"Fuck you, Saka. Also, the audacity the ref has to not even give him a yellow. Who knows how bad Kostas is injured", I grumble angrily.
"He's probably gonna be alright", Kaya tries to calm me down.
"I doubt it. Have you seen the pained look in his face? There's no way he's not going to be out for a couple of games judging by the way he held his I'm guessing collarbone in pain."
Kaya doesn't respond knowing that she won't be able to convince me otherwise.

However, I feel a hand grabbing mine again. I look at it before turning my head to Jobe. He sends me a soft smile while interlacing our fingers. Once again I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy.
I turn my head back to the game. I still make sure though to give his hand a squeeze, trying to show him that I appreciate his gesture.


chapter 16 is finished y'all.
that game gave me so much anxiety i can't lie.
i love saks, i really do, but i'm still mad at him for injuring kostas🙄.
call me resentful, i don't care🤷🏼‍♀️.
anyways, i hope you liked the chapter.
in the next chapter we'll meet another person from maëlys' past🫣.
don't be shy to leave a comment.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

feels like french kisses - a jobe bellingham story Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu