chapter 37

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➪ open arms (ft. travis scott) -
sza, travis scott


Maëlys' pov:

After school finished:

As soon as my teacher ends the last class for the day I pack my stuff and quickly tell my friends goodbye before I make my way outside. Thankfully I was able to take the car today meaning I can get to Jobe's house right away.
I check my phone again to see if he finally responded but obviously there's no reply.

When I get to his place I don't even bother ringing the bell because I'm not sure if Jobe would even open the door. I quickly punch in the code that Jude gave me yesterday and take the spare key out of the box after opening it.

After getting inside I make my way to the living room and find Jobe sitting there quietly on the couch and just staring at a mug in his hands. I don't think he's noticed that I'm here yet since he hasn't moved his head in any way when I entered the room. As I walk to the couch and sit down next to him he finally looks up at me.

"Maëlys, what are you doing here?", he asks. Neither his voice nor the way he looks indicates to me that he's sick.
"I'm here to check on you. Mason told me you're not in training and you didn't reply to any of my texts", I tell him trying to hold up eye contact. But he seems like he'd rather avoid it.
"Oh, yeah, I haven't touched my phone today except to call in sick. I think I left it in my room. But I'm fine, just got a headache", he shrugs and looks back down at his mug.

I take the cup out of his hands to regain his attention only to notice that the cup is completely cold.
"You're not fine. This coffee isn't even warm anymore and it doesn't look like as if you've taken a sip from it yet", I say with worry in my voice and put down the mug on the coffee table, "And you haven't been fine for days. I haven't seen you in over a week, you barely text me back and don't answer a single one of my calls. Even Jude said you've been distant to him."

"You spoke to Jude?", he asks as he looks back up into my face.
"I did. Because no one could tell me what's going on with you, so I turned to him for answers since he's the person closest to you", I reply.
"Bet he probably doesn't even worry", Jobe mumbles in return.

"What are you talking about? Of course he does. He told me at first that he thought it was weird that you're so absent but just thought you were busy. But when I talked to him he got really worried and was seconds away from ditching training and booking the next flight here", I explain.
"Really?", Jobe questions sounding surprised. "Yes, really. I can show you the texts if you want me to", I tell him.
He then just looks at me for a second before his eyes start to wander through the room again.

"J, what's going on with you?", I ask and take his hand in mine. As he looks back up to my face I can see his eyes are glassy. I bring my other hand up to his cheek and stroke over his skin with my thumb.

"Baby, please talk to me", I try again. He still doesn't reply anything but I can see a tear running down his face. As he blinks another one falls down his cheek.

"Jobe-", I start but before I can continue he basically throws himself into my arms and starts to cry and sob. He buries his face into my sweater and holds me close not wanting to let go. Knowing it's better to keep quiet I don't say anything and just rub my hands over his back trying to soothe him. We stay in the same position for some time so Jobe can let everything out.


Jobe's pov:

After I cried out basically all my emotions I slowly lift my head away from Maëlys' chest and wipe my eyes.
"I'm really sorry I've been so distant to you", I say and let out a sniffle, "It's just been really hard with the many loses, you know. And Saturday's game just made things even worse. I mean I've been pretty upset before already but this game just pushed me more into a whole, I guess. Especially because the first goal for Southampton was my fault."

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