chapter 7

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➪ honest - baby keem


Maëlys's pov:

The clock had just turned eleven when Kaya and me just finished helping the caterers carry the little food that was left into the kitchen.
"We will take the rest of the food with us either tonight or tomorrow, so you guys are free to go now", Kaya tells them.
"Since you've been payed up front, there's nothing more we can say except thank y'all very much for the great food", I add with a smile.

After they left I head back to Riri while Kaya goes off to find her date Isabella.
I find Amari laughing with my brother.
"What's so funny?", I ask them.
"Riri just told me about when she and her little brothers got accidentally locked in an arcade", Mason answers.

"It wasn't accidental, that was their plan", I laugh.
"For real?", my brother questions looking back at Amari.
Riri just starts laughing again and nods at him. As always her laugh is contagious so we join in on her laughter.

Just then Jobe walks over to us.
"Have any of you guys seen Abdy?"
"Yeah, but that was like 15 minutes ago. He left with some girl from our school", Amari gave him as an answer.
"Ugh, that dumb idiot", Jobe groans.
"Why?", Mason wants to know.

"I came here with him and he was supposed to drop me off at my house", Jobe says annoyed, "And guess who also left his wallet and house keys in Abdy's car."
"You?", I say teasingly.
He just shoots me a look.

"Can't your dad pick you up?"
"Nah, he left earlier today for Madrid to visit Jude and my mum for the weekend. So I'm home alone at the moment."
"Poor Kevin", I say and pat his arm.
"Will you stop please?"
"I'm not doing anything", I say acting innocent while having to bite back a smile.

"Lee, shut up, okay?", Mason tells me, "And Jobe, you're welcome to stay over at mine if you want to. We'll just pick up your stuff tomorrow."
"You're a lifesaver, mate, thanks."
"I was gonna head home in a few anyway. So I guess you have no other choice than to come with me."
Jobe just laughs at that.

"How and when will you get home?", Mason asks after turning to me.
"Kai and I have to stay until the end to lock up, and I don't know when that will be. I'm guessing it'll be pretty late though. But Kai said her mum will pick us up and they'll drop me off."
"You got your key?"
"Yes, I do", I assure him.
"Okay, well, we will head out in a minute then. You two enjoy the rest of the party."

He gives us both a hug and Jobe says his goodbyes as well before they grab their stuff and make their way to the front door of the bar.

Riri and I both get ourselves another drink and we mingle ourselves again between the guests.
Kaya and Isabella join us not long after and Kai introduces us to her date. I can already tell she and my best friend will make a great couple.
Together we all enjoy the rest of the evening.


A few hours later (around two thirty):

"Thank you for dropping me off", I say as I get out of the car of Kaya's mum.
"Of course, sweetie, see you soon."
"We'll meet you tomorrow at twelve to clean up, right?", Kai asks me.
"I'll be there, yeah."
Both of us say our goodbyes before I close the car door and walk up the driveway of my house.

Quietly I enter the house after opening the front door. I make my way to the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge.
"Well, somebody's home late."
Jobe's voice behind me makes me jump and almost drop my bottle.
"Oh my days, don't fucking scare me like that", I complain and turn around to face him.

He's standing a few feet away wearing some pjs he probably borrowed from my brother.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to", he chuckles.
"And I thought I'd get some quiet now", I exhale dramatically.
"I just came downstairs to get me some water. I'll be gone in a minute, don't worry."
He walks up to the fridge and gets himself a bottle of water.

"You know that you have a glass and a sink in the guest bathroom, which is attached to the guest bedroom, right? I know my brother is nice enough to show you where it is. So why did you really come downstairs?"
He sighs and turns towards me. He's now standing fairly close to me and we're just a couple inches apart. Why does this make me feel so weird? I guess, it's just the alcohol.

"Fine, well, I can't sleep."
"Why? You can tell me what's up, you know."
"I honestly don't know what's up. I just feel stressed. It's like, there seems to be so much pressure on me. I don't know what to do."
Looking up at him I can see it in his face that he's telling truth.

"The only one who's putting pressure on you is yourself. The team trusts you, otherwise you wouldn't play so much."
"But what about the fans? They expect me to be at my best all the time. And everybody keeps comparing me to Jude."

"Fuck them. You're an amazing player. And you and your brother are two different people. You're also two years younger than him. He had to work his way up too, you know", I tell him.

"I know I'm still a bit drunk, but, as people say, drunken words are sober thoughts, so hear me out. Don't listen to those fans or haters. They don't know you. I've seen you play and I hate to admit it, but you're like annoyingly good. And this is coming from a Liverpool fan.

"Only listen to those who know what you're capable of. Everybody else doesn't matter. You've worked hard to get to where you are now, so don't let people take that away from you. Also, when you keep up the level you're on right now, I don't think Sunderland can keep you away from Premier League clubs in the summer."

After taking in what I just said, his lips turn up into a soft smile.
"Thanks, I think I needed that. Like for real, thank you. You're good at that pep talk thing, you know. I'll leave you now though. I do need some sleep. Got a game tomorrow. Well, technically today", he chuckles.
"Good night then, I guess", I reply giving him a genuine smile.
"Good night, Maëlys."

With that he leaves the kitchen and heads back upstairs.
I spend a few more minutes in the kitchen before heading up to my room as well.
After taking off my makeup and changing into my pjs and get into my bed. Not even ten minutes later I fall asleep.


double update for you guys today🤝🏼.
first little moment i guess you could call it between maëlys and jobe🫣.
hope you enjoyed the chapter.
don't be silent readers and don't forget to vote🙏🏼.
see you guys in the next chapter.
love yous💕

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