Always you

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Klaus was an invitee to a party held by Mrs. Salvatore.. It was a boring party that he didn't want to attend, but he did because of the pleas of his daughter.. His daughter wanted him to attend one of the parties held by the school, and he always refused.. But this time, he acquiesced to her request after intense urging from her.. He was standing alone, waiting for his daughter to appear while Hayley and Rebekah joined the audience.. Stefan approached him, giving an elegant greeting, which Klaus responded calmly.. Then Caroline joined them, giving a soft greeting, which Klaus answered gently.. Josie came and said faintly "There you are, Mammy... This Miss was looking for you"

Klaus and Stefan engaged in a flowery speech while Caroline turned to her guest and said happily "Oh, it's good, you were able to come"

Caroline's guest replied softly "I've been thinking about your offer, and I thought maybe my presence today might set my decision"

"We'd be happy to have you join us" Caroline replied excitedly.

While Klaus left his conversation with Stefan and quickly turned back, a voice that he hadn't heard in nearly a decade struck his ear, a voice that caused an irregularity in his heartbeat, his heart, quickly ordered his body to look to where the voice was coming from, and for his eyes to widen to take in this deadly temptation... Standing before his eyes was the woman who had ruled his dreams for many years... She was wearing a dark wine-colored dress... With two straps and a thin black belt that tied around her waist... And a long skirt at the back that reached the knees.

He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath and whispering in a half-hoping, half-disbelieving voice "Camille"

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He swallowed hard, taking a deep breath and whispering in a half-hoping, half-disbelieving voice "Camille"

Camille stopped speaking when she heard a whisper of her name.. A whisper in a voice that echoed in her dreams almost every night.. She quickly turned to the source of the sound.. Her gaze was fixed on his face, whispering in a disbelieving voice "Klaus"

Klaus extended his hand to shake hers, saying in a gentle tone "It's nice to see you, Camille"

Camille looked at his hand for a long time before she smiled a gentle smile as she entered his personal space.. She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him in a long-awaited hug.. She whispered next to his ear "It's great to see you, Klaus"

His body trembled with emotion from her sudden greeting... And his hand rose slowly, hugging her stronger... How many times had he dreamed of this embrace, and how many times had he woken up from his sleep, regretting that it was only a dream... Ten years ago, that woman left his life after leaving in his soul and path of his life a great impact... She left after they confessed their feelings and were about to begin their relationship... But the events that followed made them separate respectfully... And since their separation, they had never met... But she never left his mind... She was always present in the back of his head... He tightened his embrace, inhaling her scent greedily.

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