His ghostly girlfriend

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The pain caused by that blade was unbearable.. He still remembers  the pain of the few hours in which Elijah stabbed him two or more years ago.. And now he will have to go through this pain for a very long time, alone, left to his pain and his thoughts, until he verges on madness, At least Elijah was merciful to him..  He took the blade out of his chest and provided him with a volunteer, her blood,  Its taste he hadn't forgotten until now.. and a company that would never be repeated in his life again.. She was the opportunity that doesn't recur in a lifetime except once.. And he tasted the pain of losing her twice.. Since her loss, the sorrows of his losses have increased... She, then Marcel, then his entire family, and most of all, his beloved daughter... He felt an unbearable pain... Pain resulting from the pain of the blade and the pain of losing his loved ones.. Among the labyrinths of his pain, he heard a voice that he thought he would never hear again in his life "Does it hurt that much?"

Klaus raised his eyes to the source of the voice to find her standing, wearing black pants topped with a white blouse.. He shook his head as if he was feverish, realizing, he really went crazy.. If he wasn't, how could she be here? She smiled at him with her angelic smile which warms his heart.. but he wasn't ready to believe her presence.. he whispered sadly "You are not real"

She took a step towards him, asking softly "Does that make a difference now? I'm here and that's what matters"

"Have I finally lost my mind?" He asked in a low, weak tone.

She continued advancing towards him, asking "Why are you thinking that?"

He replied logically "I see you and you..."

His voice broke and he was unable to complete his sentence.. The fact that she was no longer part of his world still burned his chest with caustic fire.. She continued his speech in a cheerful tone "Dead, isn't it?"

He frowned sadly so she said in a tender tone "Oh, I didn't know you'd grieve that way for my loss"

"Your loss lies at the top of my greatest grief" He replied with utmost sincerity.

"I'm sorry" she whispered sadly as she stood at the edge of the incantation circle.

He answered quickly "It wasn't your fault.. I alone am to blame here.. Without me, you wouldn't have known this world, and what befell you wouldn't have happened to you"

She sighed strongly as she entered the circle.. Then she sank down on her heels in front of him, saying in a tender tone "Couldn't that be entirely my choice.. You compelled me to leave, don't you remember?"

He asked in a trembling voice what had crossed his mind since she took her last breath on his chest "Don't you blame me?"

She shook her head, dismissing his suspicions "I didn't, not even for a second?"

He took a deep breath, weakly asking "What are you doing here?"

"You need me, don't you?" she answered automatically.

He respond quickly and honestly "A lot"

"So here I am"

He smiled for the first time since her death, saying, with honesty coloring every letter of his words "Even if you are a fantasy, it does not matter.. What matters is, I see you and talk to you, and this is enough for me for now"

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