Her Cousin

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A random small on shot came to my mind during my study.. So I decided to write it.

What if it was Klaus and not Vincent who met Declan at Camille's grave


Klaus looked one last time at Hayley's name engraved on the tree.. He couldn't believe she died.. He couldn't believe what happened.. He felt like he was drowning in chaos without any lifeline.. Hayley sacrificed herself to protect their daughter.. After they deprived her of her werewolf part.. As was done to him a thousand years ago.. His daughter somehow had a hand in her mother's death.. And he was able to save her had it not been for the intervention of his amnesic brother.. He felt a terrifying darkness all around him.. He needed to feel some peace.. He needed his protective shield that repels him from the bleakness of his days... And just like that his feet led him to his refuge.

He stopped in shock, looking at the person standing on Camille's grave.. As he was putting roses in front of her grave.. Declan, Hayley's boyfriend.. What is his relationship to Camille? He took slow steps until he reached where Declan was standing.. Who turned around looking at Klaus and asked faintly "Have we met before?"

Klaus ignored his question and answered with a calm question, his eyes fixed on her name "What are you doing here? Why do you put flowers on her grave?"

Declan looked at the features of the stranger whose eyes were glued to the name on the grave with longing and nostalgia.. He replied as he felt this man had the right to know the answer "She is a distant cousin.. I promised my mother I will put flowers on her grave"

Klaus' eyes moved to him for a while before he nodded.. Then he looked back at the name again as if he was talking to it with a special talk.. Declan whispered as he looked at Klaus "Cami O'Connell!!"

Klaus answered simply, with a small smile on the side of his mouth "She would have preferred to be called Cami not Camille.. She thought Camille is a grandmother's name"

Declan smiled at his words and then asked curiously "You seem to know her well"

Klaus did not answer him, but took a deep breath and his eyes were still attached to her name.. As if it was an amulet installed him in his place.. Declan asked him again "She seems to be a special girl to you"

Klaus smiled but didn't answer him as if he couldn't find words to really describe her.. Declan sighed asking this time directly even though he had guessed the answer to his question "What's your relationship with her?"

Klaus looked back at him before saying with a lump that he couldn't hide "My dead girlfriend?"

Declan's eyes widened for a moment with a little shock.. As far as he knew Camille had been dead for fifteen years.. And this man still clings to her memory "You must have loved her so much to keep visiting her till this day"

Klaus answered frankly "It's my first visit to her in ten years... I came because I need her light to illuminate the darkness of these days"

Klaus was silent for a long time, then whispered after a stifled sigh "I don't need to visit her because she never left me.. she's always here by my side.. She never left me alone.. I felt like I needed to be in a place where I could feel her presence.. so here I am.. I wish she was here to prevent the mistakes of past years that I committed.. Which led to my daughter making a big mistake she will not forgive herself for it that easily.. Do you see how special and exceptional she is?"

Klaus felt that he spoke too much.. But he won't deny he felt some peace.. After everything this man carries part of her genes.. He closed his eyes for a long time, not caring for the silence of the stunned man.. And then he turned his body to Declan to put his hand on his shoulder saying as he looks into his eyes with concentration "Forget every word I told you now... And just remember you met her boyfriend... And that you found out she died loved and she is still loved to this day"

Declan obediently nodded, and Klaus said softly "Now you have to go.. I want some alone time with her"

Declan moved away when Klaus called out to him, saying in a simple voice, but full of emotions, devoid of his early compulsion just a simple request "If you ever marry and give birth to a girl...I recommend to name her Camille.. And then pray to your God she will be like my Camille.. Your daughter will then have an exceptional beauty"

Declan smiled at him sympathetically, saying with affection "If I ever had a daughter, Camille would be the first name to come to my mind, I promise you"

Declan left, leaving Klaus alone in front of Camille's grave.. He whispered to her tiredly, she is the only one who is allowed to see him like that "Hello Camille.. it's been a long time.. And I really miss you"


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