The ugly truths we hide

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Disillusioned way before my prime,
Love's just a joke, a well-dressed crime.
What they call romance? A rigged game,
A twisted hunt where no one's the same.

Cynical armor, heart shut tight,
Dodging love's grip, staying out of sight.
It's all a mockery, this universal scam,
Eros with his scythe, breaking who I am.

Love, the drug we take to numb,
Post-pleasure blues, we all succumb.
It hides the ugly truths inside,
A masquerade where our demons reside.

I won't follow the script they write,
Hedonism's my anthem every night.
No need for that first-kiss rush,
All that euphoria turns to dust.

Childhood tales? Please, spare me the fake,
Vacations, friendships, memories break.
All those stories they fed us as truth,
Now it's just bitter nostalgia for youth.

Love, the drug we take to numb,
Post-pleasure blues, we all succumb.
It hides the ugly truths inside,
A masquerade where our demons reside.

Endless nights, passion's long gone,
Words left unsaid, love's just a con.
Empty touches, hollow gaze,
A flame that's dead, lost in the haze.

Love, the drug we take to numb,
Post-pleasure blues, we all succumb.
It hides the ugly truths inside,
A masquerade where our demons reside.

So I'll dance solo in the dark,
Ditching love's fake-ass spark.
All it offers is endless pain,
A cycle that's broken, love's just vain.

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