10 💙💻| SMG4 x Fem!rengoku!reader

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💙× He 100% adores your Natur, your warmth and your loud voice. He actually didn't mind if you were too loud, he already find out that you were half do of course he had to talk to you loudly.

💻× He likes your flame colored hair, he was amazed whn you said it's your natural hair colour he at first didn't believe you. Mario actually thought your hair was burning on fire that he even splashed water on you. SMG4 immediately had to explain that your hair wasn't on fire.

💙× SMG3 thinks your hair is very cool and imaged it black-red instead of yellow-red. He obviously likes it.

💻× When you and SMG4 sleep together he literally hugged you for the whole night since you were warmer than his blanket.

💙× He loves your cooking so much he even begs for more after he literally ate 6 plates. Y'know most of the SMG's can't cook well. Even SMG3 and Mario stole food secretly but you surprisingly caugh them stealing and you immediately forced them to sit with SMG4 and eat with him. You didn't even get mad. SMG3 had a feeling like you were a mom and of course you teach meggy how to cook because she can't even cook an egg lmao

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