2💙💻| SMG4 x meggy's twin sister(reader)| headcanon

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💙× You and meggy looked exactly the same but you have different personalities. SMG4 confused you both when you stand next to each other. His face is like "which is who??". Even Mario confuses you

💻× You and meggy don't have the same hobbies but you are equally strong.

💙× the day when SMG4 was doing his "perfect" video in his room at the peach castle, you were always waiting for outside by sitting next his door room even until MAR10 day, your sister tried to convince you to celebrate with them but you didn't wanted, all you wanted is SMG4 to get out of his room...

💻× At the day when the castle was crashing you were outside the crashing castle worried to death feeling about to cry until.. SMG3 and SMG4 came out safe and not hurt! you ran over to him happily and hugged him tightly, he immediately hugged back and apologized as the crew watched you both spinning in circles while hugging , shipping you (lmao)

💙× after SMG4's got rebuild (and after western spaghetti) he had to go with SMG3 to get his dumb sussy notebook back where are all his secrets and stuff, SMG4 took you with since you were strong asf (BTW you and meggy are getting called the strong twins) plus Mario is scared of you for some reason😃

💻× At the Mr puzzles arc(idk what it's called) you were traumatized.. you didn't talk, beraly ate, you even were scared of TV's now, i mean you immediately jump when you see one and cling into SMG4. Bro tried to comfort you the whole time (this is cute😭)

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Have a great day/afternoon/ evening

299 words 😃

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