Write away the pain.

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Some days, the world's too heavy to hold,
We hide in words, untold stories unfold.
Pen and paper, where the truth gets bold,
When life's too loud, writing makes us whole.

In this storm, where chaos falls like rain,
We find that writing's like Novocaine.
Pour your heart on the page, you'll feel it again,
The ink heals the cuts, it numbs the pain.

Write away the pain, let it all spill,
Drown the silence, let your soul feel.
Turn dark nights into something real,
With every line, let your heart heal.

When the world shuts down and it's just you,
Confront the shadows, let your words break through.
With every line, your power grew,
There's strength in pain, in all you do.

In this storm, where chaos falls like rain,
We find that writing's like Novocaine.
Pour your heart on the page, you'll feel it again,
The ink heals the cuts, it numbs the pain.

Write away the pain, let it all spill,
Drown the silence, let your soul feel.
Turn dark nights into something real,
With every line, let your heart heal.

In the eye of the storm, we reclaim the fight,
We script the story, turn dark into light.
With every stroke, we keep it tight,
Pen in hand, we rewrite the night.

Write away the pain, let it all spill,
Drown the silence, let your soul feel.
Turn dark nights into something real,
With every line, let your heart heal.

Let the ink bleed free, let your heart unwind,
In this crazy world, peace is hard to find.
But in every word, let your truth shine,
"Write away the pain," it's your state of mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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