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⚠️⚠️⚠️ Bullying takes place.. I am so sorry about that.. 🙇

(The 8th day..)

The next morning, Yoongi was preparing for the college when Jin's knock sounded on his room door, followed by the entrance of both him and Taehyung. Jin's expression was serious as he wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Yoongi, we need to talk," he began. "Be quick."

Yoongi nodded as he took his bag.

Jin's tone grew more serious as he laid out their instructions. "Okay, boys, listen carefully. No matter what happens today, especially with that troublesome senior, you both need to keep calm. If things escalate, go straight to the staff room and inform me or any other professor. Understood?"

Taehyung nodded. Jin then continued, his voice firm. "Fighting is out of the question. It could lead to expulsion, and we can't afford that. Remember, you're both crucial to this case, especially you, Yoongi, with your status as a subject in the experiment."

The two youngers exchanged glances, understanding the seriousness of his words. They knew they had to tread carefully.

Before leaving the room, Jin instructed Taehyung to proceed ahead, leaving him and Yoongi alone for a moment. Taehyung nodded at him and exited the room.

Once they were alone, Jin's tone remained stern as he addressed him directly. "Yoongi, listen to me carefully," he began.

"I tell you again, no matter what happens today, you cannot let your anger get the best of you. If you lose control and end up in a fight, resulting in your expulsion from college, it's not just you getting out of the experiment but also failing in our challenge. Please remember that."

Yoongi's expression remained unreadable as he absorbed his words, understanding everything.

If he gets expelled, then he will fail in the challenge and he is doomed as Jin's sub for the rest of his life.

Jin then continued, "Yesterday was your final warning. If you do anything reckless or find yourself in trouble today, I won't hesitate to take action. Don't forget that."

With that, Jin's message was clear and Yoongi nodded silently.

They then proceeded to the college, boarding the bus alongside other students.

The atmosphere on the bus was tense, with whispers spreading as soon as Yoongi and Taehyung stepped in. However, the murmurs quieted down when Yoongi cast a glance in their way.

Upon reaching their classroom, the whispers resumed among the students, their attention drawn to Yoongi's entrance.

The mafia sighed softly as he took a seat next to Taehyung. Tae leaned in to whisper, "Hyung, that boy who was absent yesterday is present now."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed as he observed the said student, but he was taken aback by the visible injuries the student had - bruises, an eye patch, and a bandaged arm.

Before they could approach him, a professor arrived, signaling the start of class.

And as soon as the professor left and the next period was announced as free, the boy went out of the class. Yoongi and Taehyung followed him out of the classroom.

But their intentions to approach him were halted. The student stopped abruptly beside another student, who appeared to be none other than the senior. His smirk was palpable as the student beside him trembled.

Realization dawned on Yoongi as he connected the dots. It seemed evident that the senior was somehow involved in everything that happened.

"How have you been, Min Yoongi?" The senior asked.

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