I sees the pain etched into my sister's eyes, the weariness that lines her face like a map of unspoken burdens carried in silence. My heart longs to reach out and ease her every pain, to wrap her in a cocoon of comfort and shield her from the harsh realities of the world.

Yet,i knows that some wounds run too deep to be healed with mere words or gestures. And so, i stands by her side, a silent sentinel of support, offering a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold in moments of despair. Though I may not be able to erase the pain that she bears, i vows to walk alongside her through the darkest of days, a beacon of hope in the midst of despair...

I know she won't share her pain with me and these years, i know these all are for Faris but can anybody do

"Don't worry didi, everything will be get fine" i comfort her with a sad smile

"I am afraid for Faris he still didn't come" noor said and we both heard that the door is unlocked a sense of happiness run through our nerves and we looked at the door hopefully thinking about Faris but our smile change into sadness and shock

There he was standing who is the sole reason of the all problems...the great arsh haris sikander

"Why are you crying noor" he came in front and asked noor with concern

"Don't you see her husband is not at home and what do you think what she will do" I said with angry yet annoyed tone

"I asked to noor, and you are not noor so don't answer me" he said with serious tone and I am like 'seriously'

"Noor please drink this water, you'll feel better" he took the glass of water and took it near her mouth but somebody stopped him when we turn out head backward....there was he standing like a mad and angry bull

It is true that I have never been so happy to see him before today, as I was for the first time today. I also don't know why, but I was very happy to see him infront of us...

"DONT YOU DARE TO COME NEAR MY WIFE" he said with read blood shot eye and angry tone while that stupid aarsh sparsh just smirk

"And may I know why" that arsh parsh ask

"BECAUSE SHE IS MINE" Faris said in possessive tone and now that smirk from that arsh parsh face erased and he also became angry

"How can she be yours, she is only your wife, so don't behave like she is a doll which can dance on your instructions" arsh said and left the room and I also became numb like how can he say that

"You guys take rest, i should go now" I said and left the room


"but how is this possible" huda asked this 100 times and now she is again asking I told her about everything and now she I like this is a film and she is the main lead who can protect everyone like seriously she can't even handle herself

I again took a sigh and this time I speak

"Listen I know it's a big matter and that is why we all are going to live with them so that we can observe that arsh clearly

"But what he do something wrong, i mean suhana aunty and all that people of that house are so cool, i don't want anything bad happen to them, but arsh is also good looking what if he is also good from inside" she again stated her mouth but this time I became angry how could she speak about other man when her man is also hot and sexy

"Listen, I'm clearly giving warning you, you can talk everyone but not that arsh, i don't want you near any man" I said in possessive tone and she flinched on my tone

"And you Mr umar, don't you become my parent, i know what is good for me and what is bad so don't give me lectures, and I'll do whatever I want, if you can stop then stop me" she said in attitude tone and this only work as a fuel in my anger

Patience- a beautiful journey Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя