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Author POV

In the dimly lit orphanage, rows of small beds lined the room, each occupied by a child lost in dreams. The air was heavy with a mixture of hope and longing, as if the walls themselves held the echoes of countless whispered wishes for a family to call their own.

In the tranquil haven of the orphanage garden, a young woman of twenty sat amidst a tapestry of blossoms and foliage, her presence a delicate contrast to the vibrant colors that surrounded her. With an aura of quiet resilience, she gazed into the distance, her eyes reflecting the wisdom of someone who had weathered storms far beyond her years. The gentle breeze tousled her hair, carrying with it whispers of forgotten memories and unspoken dreams.

Despite the solitude, there was an undeniable strength in her solitude, as if she had forged an unbreakable bond with the solitude that enveloped her. In the midst of uncertainty, she found solace in the embrace of nature, her silent companion in a world where belonging remained an elusive dream. Yet, beneath the surface, there lingered a flicker of hope, a beacon of light guiding her towards a future yet unwritten....

With each passing moment, her anticipation seemed to grow, betraying a longing that tugged at the depths of her soul. Time and again, she found herself unable to resist stealing glimpses, her heart quickening with each creak of hinges or shuffle of footsteps beyond the threshold.

Though her expression remained composed, a flicker of anticipation danced in her eyes, betraying the silent yearning that consumed her thoughts. In the quiet of the garden, she waited with bated breath, her hopes pinned on the possibility of a reunion that lingered just beyond reach...

Standing before the familiar wrought iron gates of the orphanage, a man's gaze softened with a tender smile, a stark contrast to the solemnity that had marked his visits in years past. Time had etched lines of experience upon his face, yet his eyes still sparkled with a youthful fervor that belied the weight of the years. With each step towards the entrance, his heart quickened in anticipation, the echo of distant memories mingling with the promise of a long-awaited reunion.

After years of separation, he was finally on the brink of embracing the love of his life once more. As he pushed open the gates, a wave of emotion washed over him, filling him with a sense of joy that radiated from within. In that moment, the years melted away, leaving only the anticipation of the embrace that awaited him beyond the threshold.

"Where is huda" the man asked

"She is sitting in the garden" the woman replied politely he nodded and tune towards the garden..

As the man stepped into the orphanage garden, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of her sitting alone on the weathered bench, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun.

Clad in a simple pink gown that seemed to accentuate her delicate features, she appeared ethereal, a vision of grace amidst the tranquil beauty of the garden. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as he drank in the sight of her, his breath catching in his throat at the sheer intensity of his emotions.

 For a moment, time seemed to stand still as he drank in the sight of her, his breath catching in his throat at the sheer intensity of his emotions

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