training - 2

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When both guru and shisya reached there abode they both saw a sage seated in the ashram seeing him bhagwan parshuram became stunned as he never expected to see his gurubhrata but none the less seeing him he introduced everyone after the introduction karn greeted asur guru sukracharya and asked his blessings after that they both retired for the day as it was allready way past in the night but karn as always remain awake and trained on his energy training in all these year he was not been able to progress much the only progress he made in his energy is increasing his output capacity and recovery capacity everything remains the same. Next morning after following the usual routine guru sukracharya asked bhagwan for a favour to help him by killing 1000 rakshas which have become traitors as they are very power and have all have boons to be as strong and fast as wind and are proficient in all weapons.

Listening to the request made by guru sukracharya ji bhagwan parshuram speaks.

Bhagwan: - as you speak sukracharya ji but there is also a fact you your self me more than capable to subjugate them all then why come to me?

Sukracharya ji: - you are correct parashuram ji but may be there doing ADHARM still they are my students all rakshas and asur are my students so how can I make myself subjugate them.

Listening to this bhagwan parshuram speaks I've left fighting a long ago sukracharya ji but you have came to me so I can't return you i have a warrior who can do this job. Listening to this sukracharya ji speaks "i know about your deciple parshuram ji but bhism and dron both are not capable to do the job" then bhagwan speaks "you are right sukracharya ji but I believe if they both work together also they can do the job but for the job I have my youngest deciple my unbeatable weapon he will do the job karn will do the job" listening to this sukracharya ji looks at karn and become amazed as how much belief parashuram ji have in him seeing all this unfold karn was standing stund seeing his guru's belief in him and the confidence he shows even after his defeat against devraj indra but after this he was taken out from his thoughts by the voice of Bhagwan Parshuram ji.

Bhagwan: - karn it's time for you to attain the celestial weapons which you lack.

Saying this both karn and bhagwan parshuram reach under the tree with sukracharya ji and the Devine process of celestial weapons Brahmastra, Brahmshirastra, Vaishnavastra, narayanastra, Bhargavastra and rudrastra the knowledge of all these weapons was transferred to karn as Karn was not a Brahman he didn't get brahmandastra and parashuram didn't gave karn pashupatastra as he didn't mastered the 5 vidhi of archery. After this it was divided he will leave tomorrow morning towards patal and as he started preparation for the war ahead as his  next morning when the time for the leave arrived then karn brought a Rath that he made Yesterday and seated on the driver seat and sukracharya ji seated on the position of the rathi then as per the instructions of sukracharya ji karn reached patal there on the instructions of sukracharya ji he challenged all the 1000 rakshas for the war and blowed his shankh with that sukracharya ji gone in meditation and karn took the seat of the rathi made a protective shield for the Rath and now he started raining Arrows after Arrows on the rakshas there were many duals in group one on one malayudh, sword, axe, mace, spear and many more it took a whole month for karn to subjugate 1000 rakshas due to these various types of duels and challenges many rakshas was great archer and he was forced to use celestial weapons as well as Brahmastra and many dev Astra but after a month of battle he came out Victorious impressed by the valor of karn sukracharya ji made a decision to test him as well and then he came out of his meditation and ask.
Shukracharya ji: - karn what to do about these dead bodies of all these rakshas?

To which karn made a expression less face and said

Karn: - is there something we need to do acharya i thought we now have to do there last rights or is there something specific we need to do in rakshas case?

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