Training - 1

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Next morning before the rise of the sun karn wake up before his gurudev and started to do the chorse arround the ashram as the sun rises with his gurudev he went for his Surya Puja after his Surya Puja bhagwan parshuram called him

Bhagwan: - you not need to do this karn you are here as my deciple these kind of thing don't get you anywhere.

Karn: - no gurudev I just do the chorse as i felt my duty towards it not for any reason to it.

Bhagwan smiles and said ok karn now is time to start for your training in the morning you will start with meditation as bhagwan see him he speaks karn I see you can control your inner energy well and also absorb the outer energy but with this you are just consuming the energy your first task is to master and become one with the energy i know you are trying to control the outer energy just as you did with your inner but that will not take you any where you should start but exerting your energy to the nature and see the flow of your and the nature energy intertwined after that only you will be able to become one with the energy.

After listening to the instructions karn started to release as much energy as he can in the nature but he didn't sense anything now he was not even able to sense the nature energy seeing this he ask his gurudev about it and bhagwan then answer him.

Bhagwan: - karn you can't sense the nature energy as before there is a response when you release your energy in the nature it repels the nature energy so the reason you can't sense the nature energy as before is due to that it symbolises that the energy you release has a different flow and nature to the energy resides in the nature itself. But there is a question karn you have been releasing your energy for almost and hour at an unbelievable amount every demi uid and full god at your age can't have that much energy then how you have even more?

Karn: - gurudev 😁 when I first found about this energy and the capacity i can have i thought if I can't increase the capacity of energy my body can hold as it is then I should make the energy more dense so I pressurised the energy after that the what happen is it that the container remains the same but now the energy that fills the container because more dense so overall the amount of energy I can control within increase itself 😁.

Bhagwan: - what a thinking karn very good now tell me if I order you to release the energy you have how much time will it take to become empty?

Karn: - gurudev I've tried that once and that time I kept releasing the energy for almost two full days.

Bhagwan: - in mind "😳 he has almost or maybe even higher amount of energy then a maharathi and he is just 11 year old when he will able to become one with the energy in nature I want to see what will he be then not even my other students can do that but I think he will be able to"

After that till afternoon karn meditate and tries to make the his energy same as natural energy. In afternoon he started with mental training of veds and other scriptures when he learns about these scriptures he was stunned to found that many mordern day knowledge was already are in the scriptures and maybe everything are in there it's just he can't still understand them now and after the lunch he do warfare training with guru parashuram till dawn at dawn h does his Surya Puja and meditation in which he review his past life knowledge and after that he does chors of the ashram at night and then start night training till morning chors time. This the routine he follows without fail bhagwan parshuram has noticed that karn didn't sleep at all but he didn't said anything and help him by meditation to restore his energy and straight this follows for almost 6 years now he has mastered all weapons except bow he has only mastered the 3 vidhis out of 5 in archery (discharge, withdrawal, re-discharge, re-withdrawal and Prayaschitta.) after all this year's he was not been able to sense the nature energy while releasing his inner energy now he was 17 year old and he has already learned all the viyus the war formation how to build and destroy them and today bhagwan parshuram has asked him to go to a village and help them when he reached there he found out the devraj indra was not providing the rain to the villagers after listening to that he reached a hill top and launched an arrow towards the assembly of the swarg seeing that indra came to see who had dared to challenge him but when he saw a child he ask what you want child why did you launched an arrow in my assembly.

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