Arjun stood before Maya's portrait, his gaze lingering on her serene smile as he felt a pang of sorrow tug at his heart. It had been years since she left this world, yet her presence still lingered in the quiet corners of their home, a constant reminder of the bond they shared.

As he traced the delicate lines of Maya's face with trembling fingers, Arjun made a silent vow to honor her memory. He swore to always respect and cherish Riya, to be the husband she deserved and the pillar of strength she needed in her darkest moments.

With a heavy heart and a sense of determination, Arjun whispered his pledge to Maya's portrait, his words a solemn vow that echoed through the empty room. He promised to stand by Riya's side through thick and thin, to support her dreams and celebrate her victories, to love her unconditionally with every beat of his heart.

As he stepped away from the portrait, a sense of peace washed over Arjun, his soul buoyed by the knowledge that Maya was watching over them from above. With Maya's blessing and guidance, he knew that he and Riya could face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their love and bound by a promise that transcended time and space.

Though oblivious of their love for each other they both made silent vows to always be by each other's side through ups and downs of life. Both finding solace in each other. Now time will test the strength of their vows when secrets will unravel. 


Surrounded by dozens of kids, Riya was sitting on a wooden table demonstrating little bundles of joy how to draw flowers. Their concentration is set on their favorite teacher. As she finished drawing an amazing flower of daisy. "Wow mam u draw vry butiful flower." said one of her student in her baby voice. The environment was full of joy and happiness, creativity lingering in the air. Everything was so peaceful as Riya taught and played with cute bundles of joy.

Lost in their world of imagination they were oblivious of the world outside. Sudden buzzing sound of the phone gained Riya's attention. Deep frown etched on her forehead seeing the unknown number.

"All of you now take your seat and draw the flower." saying so she separated herself from the little ones and stood beside the window to take a call.

"Hello, who is it? '' Listening to her voice he felt sudden relief in his heart. As her melodious voice travelled through his body.

"Umm.. hiii. I am Arjun. I got your number from mom." It was strange that the always confident Arjun was stuttering while talking to a girl.

"Okkay, good morning". Awkwardness was quite evident as both struggled to form words.

"Actually mom wants me to take you shopping for your wedding dress as it is from the groom's side. So... I just wanted to know if you are comfortable to go and if yes then when?" Arjun said in one go.

"Umm... I will be free by 12 today."

"Okay then tell me I will pick you up and go to the market..." before Arjun could finish mischievous voice interpreted .

"Ohhhh... so you will pick her up, hum. My brother is getting romantic. Noice, not bad. But how will you pick her in bridal style or..??" He deliberately left the sentence incomplete. Aryan, Arjun's brother said as he was eavesdropping sitting on a couch in Arjun's office. They both have cabins on the same floor but different rooms.

"Stupid, I met to go together to the shop dombo." Arjun said with slight anger.

Riya who was blushing on Aryan's comment cursed herself to react that way. She felt awkward listening to brothers fighting.

"I will come by myself, just text me the time and venue." saying in one go, she disconnected the call.

'Was our first conversation supposed to be this embarrassing?' thought Arjun.


Arjun and Riya embarked on the exhilarating journey of wedding dress shopping, their hearts brimming with anticipation and excitement. As they stepped into the opulent boutique, the air was alive with the soft rustle of silk and the shimmer of sequins, a symphony of elegance that enveloped them in its embrace.

Riya's eyes sparkled with delight as she perused the racks of exquisite bridal gowns, each one more beautiful than the last. She trailed her fingertips along the intricate lace and delicate embroidery, her heart fluttering with anticipation at the thought of finding the perfect dress for her special day.

Arjun watched Riya with a mixture of awe and admiration, marveling at the radiant beauty that seemed to illuminate her from within. He couldn't tear his gaze away as she twirled in front of the mirror, the soft swish of the fabric echoing through the air like a melody that danced on the breeze.

Caught up in the magic of the moment, Arjun found himself drawn to a rack of impeccably tailored sherwanis, each one exuding an aura of timeless elegance and sophistication. He ran his fingers over the rich fabrics and intricate embellishments, imagining himself standing at the altar alongside Riya, a vision of grace and dignity on their wedding day.

As their eyes met across the crowded boutique, a silent understanding passed between Arjun and Riya – they had found their perfect match, not just in each other, but in the matching outfits that would symbolize their unity and love. With a shared smile and a tender embrace, they made their decision, knowing that their wedding day would be a celebration of their love and commitment to each other, in matching attire that would forever bind them together in the hearts of all who beheld them.

There was complete silence  as  Arjun dropped Riya home after tiering shopping session but there was warmth, understanding. Silence was more comforting than anything.     

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