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read the a/n at the end of the last chapter for context if you haven't already


Eclipse- groom

officiant-  Murderisokay

flower girl- Earth

best man- Moon

maid of honor- AngelNekoDream

braids maids(there can be up to 10)- @Toadster-11, @TheRoseCat, @Eli-is-not-okay, 

groomsmen(there can be up to 10)-

ring bearer-  usernamewhathat

ushers(up to 13)- BostynMarksmeier

comment on the role you want! if someone else has already commented then I'm sorry it's first come first serve :/

and! if all the roles are filled up or you just don't want a specific role then comment here and you'll be listed as one of the guests!!


is loving you a sin? (Sun x Eclipse)Where stories live. Discover now