Part 7: WTF?????

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Moons POV

Suns been being... weird... ever since I showed him the text he's been acting sad and depressed... and all the progress he'd made since he got with Eclipse... maybe I did the wrong thing? no... Eclipse is the enimy he's done nothing but make us misirible!

Suns POV

why...? I'm crying on my bed asking that over and over. my hand is hovering over my charm but I can't do it... does he hate me now? does he think I'm just a dumb little doll for him to play with and toy around with their feelings!? no... who am I kidding I just put to much thought into to little... god I need to let this out. I walk over and grab my knife out from under my mattress and start making carful cuts along my arms, making sure my uniform would cover it. Fuck... I can't keep doing this... I raise the blade to my neck and start applying pressure. The blood starts flowing and I'm about to go all the way through when


"Eclipse?!" I scream dropping the knife

"oh darling..." he drops down from the ceiling and hugs me tightly. he then pulls away and starts cleaning the cuts with my blanket. 

" wait why are you here?"

"um... next question!"

"ok... so what are you doing?"

"making sure you're safe, you can't hurt yourself like that!"

"I thought you didn't like me anymore so why were you in my ceiling?"

"what do you mean not like you anymore you broke up with me?!"

"what you sent a text to Moon a text saying to break up with me!"

"no Moon came to my house and gave a note from you saying that we're breaking up!"

"no... wait a second... MOON GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!"

Moons POV


Eclipses POV

ok imma be real... yes I was stalking Sun. I will not deney this. I have been hiding in his ceiling and following him around. you don't get to judge me though! thats basicly what you're doing by reading this!  anyways. Moon comes in and exsplanes what happened and why he did it. we made him promise not to ever do something that fucked up again and he agreed. we all hung out a bit after that and I think he's warming up to me!

Hiiiiiiii!!!!!!!  first sorry this chapter was short, I wanted to give y'all something and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do next so....

anywho! if you havn't already go check out my SunxEclipse Demon Au, its a bit rough right now but I promise it does get better when the plot really starts! also a new Au is out now! (thats right 3 storys bitches!) to capture a heart is a Human Sun x Demon Moon story and I really hope you guy like it! please go check them out and I hope you liked this chapter! 

(and to those who want moon to walk in on them doing it, soon, soon)

is loving you a sin? (Sun x Eclipse)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें