010 - Testing a Theory

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My alarm blares, making my eyes open quickly to turn off the damn thing. As soon as my eyes are fully open they start begging me to close them once again, and enjoy the comfort of my warm, cozy bed and just ditch the school day. However, I cannot.

Only two days into the school year and I already felt tired. Two days filled with drama, it was okay at first but now it felt like it would never end.

Today was yet to be known, however, I'd assume today would be the most drama-filled, as this was the day we finally announced we were dating.

Yesterday was nothing special, Walker was away which caused some of the attention on me to calm down to a certain level, but I still felt the eyes. I still got the "Where's your boyfriend" lecture from my friend group, who have suddenly found a certain urge to only ever address me Mrs. Scobell. Which would have been somewhat bearable as long as no one overheard, but as everything in my life must, it backfired.

We were walking along the hallways to get to biology and Dior decided to call me the insufferable name, loud enough that anyone in the vicinity could hear. And just my luck, Lila was right on the other side of the corridor. My hopes that she maybe hadn't heard it also quickly vanished as when I tried to give her a small polite smile, and she gave me the nastiest look I had ever seen in my entire life.

If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself and rotting in my bed all morning, I quickly get up, make my bed and send a quick "Are you coming today?" text to Walker.

Not expecting him to reply at this (as he says "ungodly") time I quickly stuff my phone into my pocket, and make my way downstairs to proceed with my normal morning routine, of making lunches, preparing breakfast, finishing leftover homework and waking up my siblings.


The school day hasn't even started yet and it's already chaotic. Before I was even able to leave my house, Gigi threw a fit about having to catch the bus every morning. Which I must say is understandable but was it really necessary? No, it was not.

Walker has decided to ghost me, leaving me clueless about if we were announcing our "relationship" today. Hell, I don't even know if he's coming to school. Despite that already dampening my day, I was also greeted with a lovely pink note in my locker that said:

Dear whore,
Back off

How sweet.

I decided to ultimately not show my friends, as I knew they would overreact and probably even file a complaint, even though it was not that big of a deal. However, instead of throwing it away, I stuffed it in my bag just in case I ever needed it for some type of evidence.

However, despite those three events, the morning was pretty average. My friends started arriving soon after I received the note, and we essentially just chatted as usual. Most days I was unable to recall anything we talked about, but today was different, today was interesting.

Flynn kept flirting with Olivia, which was cute at first as she would turn into a tomato every time, but it got old fast. The flirty remarks weren't even that good, they were the most basic and cringe-worthy lines I had ever heard. For example, one he felt the need to say twice was "Are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see"

This madness went on for too long, but after 20 minutes, an insult to Flynn, and an argument to arise, we finally got past the subject. But that did not stop me from giving knowing glances to Dior and Leah, whilst also adoringly looking at my two friends who had hearts for eyes.

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