008 - Locker Problems

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We start walking into the school, like fresh meat to a pack of lions. Of course, I had assumed that some people would be shocked however, I was stupidly also under the impression that teenagers would simply move on with their lives. I was immediately proven wrong as lingering stares tracked down every single on of our movements, even as we stopped at my locker.

I detach myself from Walker's grasp, and as soon as I do, I notice a strong loss of heat, that was warming me on this chilly day. I ignore that feeling as I quickly try and open my locker, the key word being try. This locker's life duty seems to be a pain in the ass, as every single time I try and open it, it gets stuck.

"Oh I had this locker, like, two years ago, it was a right pain in the ass if I'm being honest," Walker says, as if reading my thoughts whilst looking amused at my current frustrated state, "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it, you just gotta-."

However, he does not finish that sentence, as he raises his arm and punches the top left corner of the locker. I put in my password again, and it magically flings open perfectly, not a problem in sight. "Huh, that's great stuff, it'll save me a bunch of time. So thank you very much." I say, as I get all my books out and shove them carefully, in an organised manner into my bag.

"Yeah don't mention it," he replies, I turn to face him as he stares off into the distance, clearly in a trance or lost in thought. However, he breaks out of it after a couple of seconds and says, "So, I was just thinking, should we just announce that we are dating now?"

"Why?" I ask, curious about this sudden change in decision, especially as we just finished planning it. "Well people are probably already assuming-," he starts, but I immediately cut him off, "-Then let them assume. Please just give me today and tomorrow for some type of normalcy before Thursday. Because after that we will have to look as if we are joined by the hip for the rest of the year, pretending to be a couple. So please just give me these two days."

He nudges me with his elbow, a faint smirk on his face, "Damn, no need to sound so happy but okay, yeah, two days is good." I roll my eyes and let out a light laugh at his sarcastic statement. If I'm being completely honest, I could get used to the stares, it's not as if it will be continuous. Something else that is slightly interesting will happen next week and catch the eyes of the grade, and as a whole, they will just focus on that instead. Which is freakishly alike to toddlers and shiny objects, but to be fair, some of the people in this school probably share the same mind capacity as toddlers anyway.

Walker suddenly grabs my hand leading me away from my locker to his own, in order to gather all of his books. I start at our hands, what an interesting feeling. As we move eyes continue to track us, but I decide to simply ignore these prying stares for now, and try to start another conversation with the boy who just grabbed my hand. However, as soon as I try, I suddenly feel my phone vibrating like crazy. What the hell?

I pull my phone out of my pocket to be greeted with Olivia's contact "Lovely Liv" lighting up the phone screen with a call. "Wait a sec Scobell, I gotta answer this," I say, tugging my hand free from his surprisingly gentle grasp. He turns around curiously and realises I was referencing the phone, violently vibrating on my hand. However, as we had already begun walking over to his locker, we both stop and he simply nods his head and watches as I take the call.

"Hey, liv-" I say, but am immediately cut off by a series of questions from every single one of my friends. To keep it brief, the phone call was chaotic, they already individually sounded like dying cats and yelling goats but all together, they sounded like a slaughterhouse. They kept speaking - no not speaking, it was more like yelling - over one another, so the most I could gather were a couple of questions and statements.

Polaroid Of Us - Walker ScobellKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat