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As the four of them walked around to the aisle he was standing in "still can't wait to read that new issue, huh?" Hawk asked him "nice hair. What is this your red hulk phase?" Demetri asked him, as Hawk looked to Letty, he felt embarrassed in front of her from what Demetri said, as he turned and stepped toward's him "I saw your yelp review. Take it down." he told him "and ruin my journalistic integrity? Look, I'm sorry but someone had to say something. And besides, taking it down could hurt my yelp elite status." Demetri shared.

As Letty furrowed her brows "what did it say?" she asked, crossing her arms, Hawk didn't want to tell her "just stuff about our sensei's and how our dojo wasn't clean. And.." the one behind her shared, as Letty turned to him with raised brows "and?" she asked "and he might've mentioned the snake charmer, meaning you." the boy shared and when he did, Letty's eyes went wide as she spun around "what?" she asked, as Demetri looked at her with wide eyes, Hawk then pushed him back, knocking over one of the stands "I said take it down." he told him.

"You think I'm afraid of you? I know who you really are, Eli. So, why don't you, rocksteady and bebop and April O Neal. Just leave me alone, ok?" Demetri asked, turning around to leave, the other two were behind him, as he turned back to the four of them "great. So, this is what it's come to. Gang assault!" he voiced "take it down, or we take you down." Hawk told him "you'd actually hurt me?" Demetri asked, looking from Hawk to Letty, where neither of them faltered "well, guess, what? You're not the only one that knows karate. I just joined miyagi do." he shared, bringing his hands up.

"All right. Let's see what you got." Hawk told him, as he kicked Demetri in the chest, Demetri hunched over, as Hawk dropped down and knocked his feet out from under him, Demetri fell on the floor, groaning "hey! What's on back there?" the worker asked, as they all looked in that direction, Demetri took the time to get up and run off, and as he did, Hawk began running as Letty and the four other guys followed him.

Where they ran right past a security guard who was minding his own business, where the six of them soon knew what direction Demetri had gone from the knocked over lady and man, but they soon stopped seeing the sunglasses on the ground "where'd he go?" the one who had told her what Demetri had written asked "come on, guys, we don't have to do this. I think he learned his lesson." the other one shared, as Hawk turned to him "who told you to think?" he asked him, looking at them all "fan out!" he voiced, running off, Letty followed after him.

Making it to the cafeteria, Letty and Hawk found Demetri standing there and as he tried to leave, the other two came in from the left "it didn't have to be this way. You could've joined cobra kai if you weren't such a pussy." Hawk shared, as the other two came in from the right "at least I'm not an asshole." Demetri told him, as one of the guys grabbed him "you're dead meat." Hawk told him, stepping forward, Sam came running in and used her hands to swing off one of the guys, kicking the one who was holding Demetri "get back." she told him, as she pulled Demetri behind her, she looked at them all.

"You guys need to back off." she told them, as Letty chuckled "was me knocking you on your ass not enough for you?" she asked, stepping toward's her, her and Sam were staring each other down as Robby walked up "you wouldn't get another chance." he told her, as Letty looked to him, she looked back at Sam "six against three?" she asked "more like two and a half." Hawk mentioned as the guys laughed, Letty threw a punch at Sam, as Sam blocked it, Robby then threw a kick at her, as Letty dodged it, she then turned throwing punches at Sam and as she did, Sam was blocking every single one of them.

As Sam then grabbed her arm, she then kicked Hawk in the face, as Sam then flipped Letty over, her and Hawk then got back up, the two went toward's Demetri "Demetri, look out!" Sam voiced, as Robby moved him down, Sam flipped over him and as she did, ,Letty kicked her in the face while Hawk was fighting Robby, Letty went to kick Sam again, as Sam dodged it, she pushed her hands on the table and kicked both her legs at her, sending Letty into the table behind her, where as one of the guys tried to come over, Sam spun around and kicked him in the face.

Opposites attract, Demetri Alexopoulos Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu