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Chapter: 84

In the heart of the castle, nestled within the towering walls, rested the grand bedroom where Dirk lay sound asleep. The bedroom is opulent elegance, adorned with rich fabrics and intricate details. The expansive windows, draped in cascading silk curtains stood tall, eager to embrace the first light of dawn. As the morning sun tiptoes across the horizon, its gentle rays filter through the sheer fabric, casting a warm, golden glow upon the room.

The morning mist danced softly through the room, carrying with it the scent of the surrounding forest, a promise of new beginnings and ancient traditions. The gentle rays of the sun caressed the bed, illuminating the sleeping form of Dirk, his golden hair cascading like a waterfall onto the silk pillows.

The sunbeams dance upon the plush velvet carpet, illuminating the ornate furniture with a soft radiance. The mahogany bed, with its towering canopy and cascading silk sheets, appears almost ethereal in the morning light. The walls, dressed in hues of soft cream and gold leaf accents, seem to shimmer with a whispered promise of a new day.

A symphony of scents fills the air - the delicate fragrance of fresh blooms mingling with the subtle hint of cedarwood from the antique armoire. The room resonates with a tranquil hush, interrupted only by the melodious chirping of birds outside the window, welcoming the dawn in a harmonious chorus.

In the corner of the room, a grand fireplace crackled and popped, casting a warm glow that chased away the last remnants of the night. A soft breeze ruffled the thick curtains, causing Dirk to shiver slightly, the sleeping man mindlessly pulled the duvet over his head and disappeared under the thick covers. Two months have passed since the kidnapping, and Luna Caleb has insisted he remains under his watchful eyes until they have completed the Bonding Ceremony. His Mates have been nothing but sweethearts, treating him to extravagant dates, and spoiling him with gifts and attention. It was truly a handful having the triplets as mates, but more so, it's magical.

The death of Floridia hurt him greatly, and he attempted to find her son, to keep him under his guidance, but nobody seemed to know the whereabouts of the young child. Search parties are still ongoing for him. If nothing else, Dirk would like to make sure the child is well looked after. After all, he is in fact the only family he has left. Floridia would have wanted that.

As Luna Caleb entered the room, the morning light seemed to wrap around him like a warm embrace, casting a halo around his figure that seemed almost ethereal in the golden glow. Soon he will become a granddad, what better joy is there than this? The thoughts of having Dirk out of his sight after the terrible kidnapping and the near-death experience often made his blood run cold. Once Dr. Naam had assured them that Dirk was fit enough to be discharged and returned to his normal life, Caleb ordered his sons to bring him straight to the grand Estate. Together he and his mate, Conri, have looked after their son-in-law with great care, ensuring he is well cared for while recovering, and even after. Once the Bonding Ceremony has been completed, he would ensure that at least one of his sons stays close to Dirk, even if the others had things to attend to; someone will have to keep an eye on Dirk at all times.

Although keeping their links open is a great source, Caleb would not be taking any chances, and neither would his dear friend Dare who agreed with the arrangement.

Dirk's eyes fluttered open as he felt a gentle hand shaking his shoulder. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he focused on the figure standing before him. A brilliant smile made him radiant as he acknowledged the presence of the Luna.

"Good morning, Luna," Dirk greeted, sitting up on the bed. He stretched, releasing a deep sigh of contentment when he finally felt his joints pop. "You're looking particularly beautiful today."

The Alphas' Pride Mate (The Pride Who Goes Into Heat)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat