Grantors of dark Disgrace

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TW: Abuse, blood

When Chuuya was 6 years old, just getting used to his ability. His parents were informed of something that Chuuya couldn't control.

"Your saying our son could die from his ability?" Chuuya's mother said in a worried voice.

"I'm afraid so, lucky he's ok now, but the more he stays in that corruption form the higher chances he could die" The doctor said.

"Yet almost everyday he goes into his corruption form" Chuuyas father said.

"From my studies with ability users with this, they all wear something to keep their ability to rest. And for his make sure he wears these clothes till he can control his ability" The doctor said.

Over the years Chuuya only used corruption a few times but has managed to bring himself back. But it was only a last option he chooses to use corruption.
~End off Flashback~

"Grantors of dark disgrace,
do not wake me again!" Chuuya said as he ability was activated.

Red marks started to cover Chuuya's skin and he started laughing like a manic, from a distance dazai saw and he couldn't believe his eyes. This was the thing he was worried about.

"What the hell" John said.

Chuuya started to float in the air using his powers to bring boulders from the ground. He started to throw all of them till he activated a red ball off gravity and threw it at Lovecraft. There was damage being done but not enough. The battle kept on going and Chuuya was nowhere near destroying Lovecraft.

Dazai was starting to worry, he had never something more beautiful yet so powerful at the same time. He saw from the corner off his a eye a red head lady running towards the fight scene.

"CHUUYA NO" Kouyou yelled.

Dazai moved closer to the red haired lady and saw her worried face.

"Whats happening Chuuya?" Dazai asked.

The red haired lady looked to Dazai and took a deep breath "That's his full ability form, the more he stays like that the more chances he could die" Kouyou said.

Dazai eyes widen and he needed to think off something fast. John then walked closer to the two laughing.


"Fine but im tied" Lovecraft said in a tired voice.

"This is going better as planned" John said.

Dazai thought for a moment and had an idea, he moved behind John placing a knife to his throat and said. "Your going to tell me how to destroy him" Dazai said in a threatening voice.

John swallowed in fear "There's nothing that can destroye him idiot, he's powerful on the outside" John said.

"So he's weak on the inside?" Dazai said with a smirk and he now has a plan.

He punched john in the face and he passed out. He then ran towards the fighting scene.

"CHUUYA" Dazai yelled. By Dazai surprised Chuuya looked at bim, like he recognized his voice. "HE WEAK ON THE INSIDE, KEEP DESTROYING HIM ON THE INSIDE" Dazai yelled.

Chuuya smirked and got to work. He target one spot on Lovecraft and kept throwing his power at him, he repeated that movement over and over till he was a chance. The greated a big ball off power surrounding Lovecraft in it.

I've fallen for him (soukoku fanfic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora