The flirting

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Months have gone by since the incident and everything was at peace. Apart from the daily thieves stealing and destroying stuff, everything was still at peace.

Dazai was in his room just drawing, he quite enjoyed drawing its way to distract his mind from reality. As he was sketching he realized thru 20 pages were sketches off the king. He looked thru the pages and just saw the ginger hair boy in all 20 pages.

"Am i that uncreative I can only draw him?" He thought. He then heard a knock on his door and quickly thru the sketchbook under his pillow.

"Dazai my son- What on earth are you doing" Mori said walking in and saw Dazai doing a handstand on his bed.

"Trying a suicide method" Dazai said.

"Well ok then. You have a job" Mori said entering the room.

"Im off work till tomorrow. Pass it to Akutagawa he needs something to do" Dazai said ignoring the black hairded man.

"Do not argue with me. Its in the palace. There's a book i want you to get for my dear sweet Elise" Mori said with a chirpy voice.

"UGHHHHHHH" Dazai ground. "Just get Akutagawa to do it. He can use his silly rashomon to get in and out like that" Dazai said.

Mori then looked at Dazai and suddenly the brunette was in front of the castle gates with a black eye.

As he managed to break in with ezz he walked around to find the castle library. Every step he took was quite and he made sure to observe his surroundings. He noticed a room which was the gingers room. He looked thru the crack off the door and saw the ginger relaxing on his couch reading a poetry book. He observed the ginger looks and facial expression and found himself getting lost in his ocean blue eyes, he could stare into Chuuyas eyes for years.

He slowly returned to reality and continued on with his job. He quickly found the library and started to look for the book that his father wanted him to get. As he got the book he started to walk out off the library when he was pinned to the floor by someone. It caught him off guard witch was weird. For the first ever dazai didn't predict that action.

He looked up and saw the ginger staring down at him with narrowed eyes. Dazai couldn't help but feel some type off shock thru his body when he saw the ginger face, he looked into Chuuyas ocean blue eyes and he swear he lost all senses off reality.

"What are you doing here" Chuuya said breaking the silence.

"Uh-" Dazai couldn't speak, he was completely lost in thoughts.

"Oi. Stop staring at me like I'm some type off art piece. Answer my question" Chuuya said putting his hands around the brunettes neck to choke him.

"I- ca-nt, sp-e-ak" Dazai said stuttering.

"Oh" Chuuya realized and let get off the brunettes neck.

"i wouldn't mind if he killed me with thoses hands" Dazai thought.

"Now what are you doing here" Chuuya again repeated.

"Nothing, just getting this book" Dazai said showing the ginger.

"Why are you stealing a book. You know the village has a library" Chuuya said with a raised eyebrow.

"This childrens book is a rare one. The Velvatine Rabbit. Its not in librarys anymore so" Dazai said.

"Why are you reading a child book then?"

"Its not for me but for Mori's little princess or whatever" Dazai said turning he's head so he wasn't facing the ginger.

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