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"Master Malfoy." The house elf bowed his head, not daring to look his Master in the eyes.

"Tell Lorraine I'm busy." Abraxas Malfoy dismissed the elf, not caring for what message his wife was making it send.

"Of course, Master." However, before the elf disapparated, it said, "Your daughter's name is Cordelia Lorraine Malfoy."

With the words of the elf hovering in the room, it snapped and disapparated back to Lorraine Malfoy who had just given birth to the Malfoy family's second child.

"A daughter!" Abraxas scoffed.

He never wanted another child, let alone a daughter. Women were a weakness, and daughters were useless as they wouldn't carry on the Malfoy name. The only way she would be useful would be to marry her to another pureblooded wizard family to strengthen their ties within the sacred twenty-eight.

Abraxas had no desire to meet his daughter and planned on letting Lorraine raise the daughter without his input. His focus was on their son, Lucius Malfoy, as he would carry on the Malfoy name and take over the estate when he was old enough.

Luckily their son was already six and understood that women were nothing more than a means to an end. Eventually, Lucius would get married and his wife would produce an heir. That was it. Having Lucius already trained with the Pureblood traditions and expectations meant that Abraxas knew Lucius would have no desire to interfere with his sister's upbringing.


"Well, where is he?" Lorraine questioned the elf who had just apparated into the room.

The elf frowned and dipped his head. "Mistress Malfoy, I apologise. Master Malfoy sent me away before I could request he visit you."

Lorraine looked down at her daughter wrapped in a blanket sleeping soundlessly in her arms. "This is all your fault. Why couldn't you have been a boy?" Lorraine pushed the baby towards the elf who swiftly cradled it in his arms. "Get her out of my sight."


I apologise that this prologue was super short, but I felt the need to include at least some background knowledge of Cordelia's upbringing.

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