Chapter I

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11 Years Later

"Cordelia Lorraine Malfoy! Get down here this instant!" Abraxas' voice boomed through the manor.

Cordelia rushed down the stairs while she finished tying her hair out of her face. "Sorry, father."

In the manor's front entrance stood the rest of the Malfoy family dressed to perfection. Cordelia's parents wore the standard posh black robes with hints of eye-catching Slytherin green while her brother stood tall beside their father dressed in a suit with his prefect pin displayed proudly on his blazer.

"Where is your trunk?" Lorraine asked as she walked up to the girl and started fixing her hair.

"Ander is ensuring I have packed everything properly." Cordelia shrugged. "I'm sure he will bring it down shortly."

Lorraine's lips formed a thin line. "While at Hogwarts I expect you to speak like the Pureblood you are. Though you won't carry the Malfoy name forever you do right now. You have to set an example and you have a legacy to follow."

Cordelia refrained from rolling her eyes because that was not Pureblooded behaviour. "Of course, mother. I'll do better."

"On the train, you must sit with other Pureblood children. Do not associate yourself with mudbloods or half-bloods." Abraxas said while straightening his tie in the mirror.

Cordelia desperately wanted to say something, anything, to defend the many witches and wizards they were shaming but she couldn't. She knew what type of punishment that would result in, and going to school covered in bruises she didn't know how to cover wouldn't be a good look for her or her family.

"I wouldn't damage the Malfoy name like that," Cordelia assured as a pop was heard behind her where Ander appeared holding her trunk. "I will most likely sit with Bertha Jorkins and Amaryllis Flores."

"Good." Her father nodded before grabbing Lucius' arm. "Let's go. We don't want to be late."

Without another warning, Lorraine grabbed Cordelia's arm and they disapparated to platform 9 ¾.

Cordelia had been to the platform many times before, six to be exact, to wave goodbye to her brother. But this time, she was joining him at Hogwarts and was finally able to get out of the manor for longer than a few hours.

The platform was bustling with excitement and families rushing their children onto the train. Cordelia loved people-watching, she found others interesting. Another of her favourite pastimes was trying to determine what house someone would get into. It was always obvious who was a first-year student as they were much smaller than the rest of the students, they often looked lost, and their parents were often emotional. This year, Cordelia fell into this category, but based on her stereotypes she only met one criteria for being a first year. She wasn't lost, nor were her parents showing any emotion that they cared about her leaving; she was just a little small.

Though, Cordelia wasn't surprised by this. Her parents had never shown any interest in her growing up except when it came to any Pureblood event. Cordelia felt she barely knew her family, and sometimes questioned if they were even her family at all. Most of her time in the manor was spent wandering the library or in the kitchens with the house elves.

"Goodbye, Mother, I'll see you at Christmas," Lucius said as he gave Lorraine a quick hug.

Cordelia turned back to her family as Ander apparated beside them.

Ander bowed his head. "Master Malfoy, I've placed the trunks on the train."

"Good, now go back to the manor. I want tea waiting for us when we arrive." Abraxas dismissed the elf.

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