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On the first day of her stay, Mina was tired from the journey and slept the whole day. Now, we come to the next morning. The three of them, Mina, Sana (her niece) and her sister (Jiwon), were having breakfast together. 'Isn't brother-in-law joining us for breakfast?' spoke Mina with a mouth stuffed with omelette. 'Wonwoo's been working overnight at the farm, he won't be able to join us for breakfast today', said Jiwon as she discreetly placed two more pieces of her omelette on her sister's plate. 'Mom! you should eat eggs!' Sana complained. 'Your mother doesn't like to eat eggs in the morning. It makes her feel like vomiting.' said Mina as happily ate the extra servings.

After their meal, Sana gave a room tour to her aunt. Her room looked like a thrown-away canvas, completely drained off colours. It had a small bed by the window with cute pink curtains and a table with three chairs. Turns out Sana had planned a welcoming tea party for her aunt yesterday. Since Mina was tired from the journey Sana postponed the tea party. They sat on the little chairs across from each other and pretended to drink tea from empty plastic cups. 'My friends always brag about the gifts their relatives bring when they're coming over.' Sana sulked in her chair, having been anticipating gifts but to no avail.

I would buy the world for you my little pookie wookie super dookie, but what can your aunt do when she is broke, unemployed and only has a few dollars in her pocket, oh wait..

'Do you want some ice cream?' asked Mina, the little girl's eyes lit up as she grabbed hold of her aunt's hand with her two little ones and jumped with excitement as though her feet had springs attached to them 'Yes yes! I want chocolate ice cream.' They quickly put on their shoes and headed out.

'Who eats ice cream at 9 in the morning?' Jiwon yelled from the kitchen window while washing the dishes.

'Which flavour?' Mina yelled back.


The area where Mina's sister lived with her family was a small town where the residents were smaller in number. Judging from the traditional architecture of the houses it was clear that these homes were really old. There is only one convenience store in this area, after a few rights and lefts, they arrived at the store and bought chocolate ice creams for themselves and two butterscotch cones for Mina's sister and brother-in-law.

'Should we eat it here or at home?' Mina asked.

'I'll eat one on my way back.' Sana replied unwrapping her ice cream and started eating it. 'You shouldn't eat while walking' Mina told her niece 'It doesn't look dignified, let's hurry home and watch something while we eat.' Sana chose to ignore her aunt and was already done with half of her ice cream.

On their way back a flock of birds were flying in big circles above them like they were sports cars on a race track. Mina took in a deep breath and said 'This neighbourhood is so peaceful and quiet.' licking the half-melted ice cream Sana shook her head from side to side in a non-agreeing way, she gently pulled Mina's sleeve and pointed at a man on their far right who was kneeling at the entrance of a house and loudly pleading and begging,

'Once, just once, please come out, I promise I'll bring food on time.'

What kind of couple fights over food and throws the other out of the house? Mina was baffled, poor him, I hope he gets on good terms with his wife.

Sana had now finished her ice cream and was looking for a garbage bin nearby to throw the wrapper into. 'Just throw it at home.' said Mina and they continued to walk, ' If I had the chance to leave this area, I would do it in a heartbeat.' scoffed Sana. 'Come on now! Excluding that weird couple we saw just now, I think the people here are all very affectionate and caring.' replied Mina.

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